Received From: The GCBRO Online
Report Submission Form.
Posted To GCBRO Web Site On: June
4, 2005
April 15, 1982
2:00 PM
Logan County, West Virginia
I was about 10 yr. old at the time, I was in the carport behind the trailer
where we lived sitting on the back steps with my dog, then all off a sudden
there was a loud scream it shook the car port and trailer it was so loud,
I looked up and saw a creature about 25 feet away from me in the underbrush
running up the side of the mountain. It was black about 8 feet tall
and walking on two legs. It ran up into the mountain side and I never
saw or heard it again. No bird or other animals seen or heard that
Activities of Witness:
Sitting on the back steps of the carport with dog.
Description of Creature:
Tall about 8 feet black hair, walked on two legs.
Other Notes:
An old neighbor man said he had saw the thing years ago he called it a
dog man, said he used to go walking back in the
hills years ago and saw the thing.
Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments: N/A
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