From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

Report Received From: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.
Report Posted To GCBRO Web Site On  September 3, 2009

DATE:    08/15/03 

TIME:     5:15 a.m. 

LOCATION:   Montgomery County, Texas 

TERRAIN:    Wooded 

OBSERVED:    While driving to work one morning, I was coming to the bottom of a long hill, an oncoming car was also approaching the bottom of the hill.  A tall dark upright creature crossed the road in front of me.  He was illuminated by my head lights and those of the oncoming vehicle. It was at least 7 feet tall, it had what appeared to be smooth, shiny, very dark skin.  It had no visible body hair.  It's arms were very long with long fingers.  As the creature ran across the paved road in front of me, it turned it's head toward me and I could see that it had large red eyes.  The creature crossed the paved portion of the road in four strides.  It crossed the bar ditch and a four  foot fence with out missing a step and was gone.

Additional things: When the creature came out onto the paved road in front of me, I stepped on my brakes and was doing about 40-45 mph when it crossed in front of me.

Activities of Witness:   Driving south on a paved rural road.  Deep woods near National Forest Area. 

Description of Creature:  At least 7' tall.  Reptilian in appearance. Very long arms that hung below his knees.  Upright, two legged, it did not run slumped over, but was fully erect.  It's skin appeared to be shiny black or dark green.  No hair on the body was observed.  Large head but not huge.  Large red eyes.  Long neck about 150% longer than a human neck.  Very "un-natural" in appearance. 

Other Notes:    N/A

Other (Informational or Encounter History in the General Area) Notes:    N/A

Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments I wish that I had not seen this thing.  But I did.  I can take you to the exact spot where I saw the creature.  I will never forget the incident. Just a day or two before the sighting I told my wife that I felt totally secure living out in the woods.  Now, while not afraid, I have a knowledge that there are things out there that we didn't know existed.  I now keep a gun by my side. 

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master

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