From the Files of

Reported by Confidential

RECEIVED FROM:    G.C.B.R.O. Online Submission Form  (Weird Report)

DATE:   1996

TIME:    Midsummers day

LOCATION:            Lake Quitman, Quitman Texas,
                         Lake swimming area, between FM 69 and FM 2966, About 5 miles from town.


OBSERVED:      On or about this time, a large number of people witnessed a jet-skier pulling what appeared to be a log across the lake on his ski rope. When the man reached the swimming area, it was discovered that the 'log' was actually a huge snapping turtle. This was witnessed by at least 30-45 people. The turtle was dead. The skier said he found it floating near the overflow spillway. The shell was at least three feet long and we all estimated that it weighed at least 275-300 pounds, if not more. Local game wardens may have more information.

ACTIVITIES OF WITNESSES:  swimming, water sports, camping

DESCRIPTION OF CREATURE:  Huge snapping turtle.



Report Submitted by Mary Green

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