From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by:
Nicholas Harrelson of the The North American Anthropological Society

REPORT RECEIVED FromThe GCBRO Online Report Submission Form

(Photographs included at bottom of page)

DATE:    12-29-02

TIME:    3:45 pm - 4:00pm

LOCATION:   Pittsylvannia County, Virginia

TERRAIN:   Forest with Creek

OBSERVED:    I was moving into a very wooded area. I descended into a creekbed that was at least 12
feet in depth. As I moved through the creekbed looking for tracks, I noticed a large deer
carcass above the creek walls. I moved towards the deer carcass and took three photos and then
continued to walk back towards the creekbed. Right before I reached the creekbed walls, a
large branch was thrown froma thicket to the right of the deer carcass, directly behind me and
hit a tree. As I turned around the thickets from where the limb came began to shake. I took
two photos of the area where this was happening and then ran out to the nearby field that was
less than 100 yards from the spot of this occurence.

Activities of Witness:   Me and another member of the NAAS were searching nearby fields and wooded areas and decided to go to an area near the Dan River. We then found the tracks of a giant creature and then came accross the deer carcasses several minutes later.

Description of Creature:    N/A

Other Notes:    Footprints leading into the woods were found. Also found several other deer carcasses
within 500 yards of each other. None having any signs of field dressing or bullet wounds.
Other carcasses were photographed along with tracks.

Additional Notes or Comments Have been told by hunters that they have heard wierd sounds and have seen a large, white creature in early morning.

The below track photos was taken in an undisclosed area after it had just recently poured
down rain and found several footprints that measured 15 inches. The pictures with the boot
in them for size comparison are of a boot that is 12.5 inches.

We have found several more great tracks. Even in the dirt you can see the toes. We measured the left foot at 17.5 inches and the right at 17.25 inches. We found these at night and took some photos,
below is one of those photos.

The below photos are of a deer kill that was found in the same area.  These
photos are graphic and may not be suitable for those with a weak stomach.

I was examining a creek bottom near where I found the footprints listed above, when I noticed
a carcass of an animal right above me on a large hill in between two creeks. I climbed up to it to
find that it was a large deer carcass. The carcass was torn open with much of the innards
still intact.  One thing to note, there are three deer carcasses within 500 yards of each other, but
the one that I am including here is the most intriuging.

Blow up of the damaged area of the carcass.

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master

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