From the files of Bobby Hamilton

                                                                                             Submitted by Bobby Hamilton
  Re-enacted Sketch at Bottom of Page

This report contains an added sketch drawn by Randy King in August, 2002

DATE:   Late Summer, early Fall 1969

LOCATION:   Garrison, Texas, Nacogdoches County

TERRAIN:   Family farm, forest surrounding farm.

OBSERVED:   There are several chains of events in this report. During the time of these events I was 5 years old, but have talked with my Mother, Brothers, and Sister on several occasions about the eventsthat happened, and everytime I talked to them, they were amazed at how much I seemed to remember about everything that happened back then, with me being so young.

I remember it all very well, as it is burned into my memory, and I have fought nightmares most of my life due to these events.

My Father worked out of town and was gone for months at a time, so it was my Mother, two Brothers, and Sister as well as myself, and the Dogs.  The first thing that happened, was my Aunt and Cousin had cameover to visit and spend the night.  My Mother had asked them to come over, due to the fact, that something had been hanging around the house, she was not sure what it was, but she was scared, and thinking it was a prowler,  she wanted somebody else there, with us.  My Aunt, said shewasn't scared, and came over ready to confront the prowler if he showed up.

It was a Friday night, and was around 9:45-10:00pm.  when all heard a noise out in the barn.  It was a sound of something rummageing around in there.  Well my Mother and my Aunt lead the way, both of themcarrying their pistols that my Dad and Uncle had bought them for protection while they were away working.  We followed them at a slight distance, it was my Cousin, my Sister, and middle Brother as well asmyself.  My oldest Brother had spent the night with a friend that night.We were a good 50 foot behind my Mom and Aunt, and was joking around and stuff.

Just as my Mom, and Aunt got close to the entrance of the barn, and started to round the corner to go inside with their flashlights,they all of a sudden screamed and turned and out ran all of us kids backto the house, screaming at us to "Hurry, Run"  the whole way back to the house.

We all were curious as to what had scared them, so we asked them what they had seen.  All they would tell us, is that as they turned the corner to enter the barn, something let out one of the most "Demonic,Evil Growls" that they had ever heard in their whole life.  It was enough to let them know it didn't want to be messed with.  We all
laughed at them and started to go look for ourselves.  But the threats of getting our hides tanned if we did, convinced us, that something musthave really been wrong out there.

Up until then, we actually thought, that they were messing with us, and trying to scare us.  So we stayed back at the house.

I know for a fact, that my Mother is a strong woman, who was raised in the backwoods of Oklahoma, and is not scared of just anything, much less a sound.  So it had to be something she had never heard before, as it sent fear thru her.

We all spent the night talking about "What it might have been, lurking out in the barn".

The next night we heard something in the barn again, but didn't get to check it out, since the previous nights events had left my Mother and Aunt thinking that some sort of Devil or  Evil beast was out there.  So Sunday, my
Mom had my middle Brother take our two German Police Dogs, and tie them up in the barn.  Their chains would only let them get to about 5 foot shy of the center pathway thru the barn.  They were bothtied on the same side of the barn.  Which left open the middle and the other side of the barn. She was sure that if that "Thing" came back that the dogs would take care of it, or keep it out of our barn.  Nobody had realized up till this point, that the Dogs ran loose on the place, andhad not messed with whatever it was so far.

Sunday Night passed without anything being heard.  So Monday morning, at approximately, 8:30, I followed my Mom to the barn to check on the dogs.She went in just before me, and came running back crying. She told me "Not to go in there"!  I dodged to the right and ran past her.

In the barn, laying just off the side of the middle of the barn, was my calf.  It was a young Dairy calf, that was like a pet Dog to me.  I could whistle and this calf would come running up to me to be petted just like a Dog would.  At first, I thought that the Dogs had killed it.  But after examining it,and re-thinking it over and over in my head a million times or more, since then.  I am sure it could NOT have been the Dogs.  Evidence to suggest that they did not do it, was their chains stopped them a good5-6 foot from where the calf lay dead.  And two is that the calf had his stomach ripped open and the insides were pulled out about only 2 foot orso, facing completely away from the Dogs. If it was the Dogs, the insides would have been stretched towards them and not away from them, as well as the stomach wound the Calf sustained.  Point number three is that the Dogs ran loose and had never attacked any Calves, or Cattle before.  So why did they all of a sudden start then?

We had Chickens on the other side of the barn, but I can't remember if anything ever got into their pens or not.

What I think happened, is that whatever had been coming into the barn, had came back, and the Dogs had to have just cowered in the corner while it killed my Calf, and feasted on whatever it wanted from the poor animal.

I repeat, there was no barking, or crashing around in the barn that night.

Now the last thing that happened during that time.  It was a good week or so later, I had gotten up to go to the bathroom late one night, and wehad the windows open to keep it cool in the house, as we didn't have any air conditioning back then.  As I re-entered the room, I heard somethingscratch on the window screen.  I looked up and saw in the glow of the moonlight, some sort of demonic, apelike looking face, just staring at me.It seemed to be grinning at me and it had its hand up and was like it wasbeckoning me with it's finger to come closer.

Well I freaked out totally and woke up the whole house.  My middle Brother who was 12 years old at the time woke up and saw it turn to run from the window. I screamed so loud I probably woke up the whole county.

It wasn't until around 1983, and I was talking to my oldest Brother about the whole lot of things that happened back then, and about the creature in the window.  He was 15 years old back at that time in 1969.He informed me, that he had seen the same thing, and it acted the same way, on 3 seperate occasions, somewhere around the same time. He said that it would motion for him to come to the window as well,and he would pull the covers over his head and just shiver until he wentback to sleep.

Our house was off the ground built on blocks, and had about 3 foot of clearance under it, so where the things head came up on the window would put it around the 7 foot tall mark maybe a little taller.

When talking to my family about this, they reminded me of some local lore that was going around back then.  It was about some sort of"Wildman" that was supposed to have been seen about 5 miles down the road from our house, wandering the woods.  It was supposed to be really tall, actually it was classified as "Really BIG" and covered with darkcolored hair.  Several of the local people had seen this thing, and there was several tales about it, in the community as to who seen it, and whatit was doing and such.

My Brother made the suggestion that maybe that is what had terrorized our homestead back then.

I am not sure as to what it was exactly, but all the pieces seemed to fit with whatever that "Wildman" thing was and what happened to our family back then.

We moved out the following month, due to the events of the Creature and it terrorizing our home.  My Mother had phoned my Father where he worked, and told him that "She wasn't going to live in a house intotal fear, of some sort of creature, wandering around there at all hours of the night"!

Description of creature:   Tall and Demonic, Apelike looking face.  Seemed to be grinning at me.

Other Notes:  One other thing I feel may have some relevance here, is we had a Horse that we had for a couple of years.  We had bought it off a good friend, whom had several Horses, and we used to go ride this same Horse at his house. The Horse was so gentle, and good with us kids, that my Dad bought him for us.   Shortly before these events started, (or when they came to our attention anyway) and completely afterwards, the
Horse seemed to go completely crazy.  It was a gentle horse, at first, but it got to acting so crazy, nobody could ride it, and catching it became a royal pain.  I have often wondered if this thing had also terrorized our Horse as well, especially since it seemed to just go completely crazy around the same time.  We ended up selling the Horse after we left there, as that Horse was not the same as he once was.

New Sketch Addition.
August, 2002

Randy King was kind enough to work with Bobby Hamilton
in order to better illustrate what Bobby saw at his window that
Fall night in 1969. Thanks again to Randy for some incredibly
good artwork.

Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization
Copyright, Randy King and the GCBRO, August, 2002
All rights reserved.

Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization
Copyright, Randy King and the GCBRO, August, 2002
All rights reserved.

First Sketch

 Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization,
Artwork by Bill Asmussen.©

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by Bobby Hamilton

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