From the
Files of the
Gulf Coast
BigFoot Research Organization
Received From: The GCBRO Online
Report Submission Form.
between 2-4 am
Henderson County, Texas
I was pregnant so was up every night to pee. We had just gotten a new dog
and he wasn't housebroken, so when I got up, HE had to go out too. While
outside with the dog, I heard something I've never heard before and the
neighbors/ officials can't tell me what it is either. The noise starts
out like a big hoot owl with 3 or 4 hoots, then sounds like its laughing,
then strangling, finishing with a growling noise. (It's been 3 years since
I've had to be outside at those wee hours, and just describing it makes
the hair on my neck stand up). I heard this at least half a dozen times
from the woods beside our house over the course of a year, only between
2 and 4 am. These woods surround a chain of springfed ponds that empty
into a river- on both sides of this "corridor"; are acres and acres of
forest. I've heard hoot owls, heard coyotes kill little critters to account
for strangling/growling noises, but the laughter in the middle was a definite
"hahaha";, sort of high like a woman's voice. Creepy.
Activities of Witness:
Taking the dog out to pee. I was pregnant. I do not drink (ever) or smoke
Description of Creature:
Never seen, only heard.
Other Notes:
Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments: Upon contact the witness had no additional information to add to this report.
Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by: GCBRO Web master
Gulf Coast Bigfoot Research Organization Home Page
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Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization (G.C.B.R.O.)
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