From the Files of

  From the Files of GCBRO Field Researcher
Randy Hutchings

RECEIVED FROM: G.C.B.R.O. Web Site Submission Form

DATE:          April 8, 2002

TIME:            2:00 to 2:30  P.M.

LOCATION:   Warren County, Tennessee

TERRAIN:      Wooded

OBSERVED:   Found in what my partner James and I have come to call our "Hotspot", was what we both believe to be a possible Bigfoot shelter...Although I've personally seen a Bigfoot bed (via field researching for the GCBRO), I hadn't yet come across a (possible) Bigfoot shelter...James and I had found this shelter about 2 1/2 miles, after hiking back towards our usual camping area (which lies 4 miles back off the nearest road, accessible only via a logging trail)...What caught our attention first was the entire tree that had been felled in it's making...Upon it had been another, much smaller sapling that had been broken and laid across the top of the shelter...James, standing 6ft tall, got into the shelter and had LOTS of room to spare...Inside he took note that the ground beneath him was hard packed dirt...This was found on the beginning day of our trip...

On the day we left, Both of us (and someone we'd brought with us that was skeptical) noticed a strong pungnet musk smell that we picked up repeatidly as we hiked back...Whether this pungent musky smell was Bigfoot related or not we'd rather not venture a guess...



OTHER NOTES:  A pungent musky smell...

Trees pushed towards each other
from different angles making a shelter of sorts.

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Report  Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by Mary Green

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