DATE: 06/28/99
TIME: Happened between 12:00 P.M and 1:00 P.M. CST
LOCATION: Van Buren County, Exit 285 off HWY 111, Caney Fork Creek
Wooded with overgrown fields, large creek,
no road access
OBSERVED: We were looking at some property to buy, a 150 Acre farm. The farm had not been inhabited or farmed in several years. We had to walk in from a locked gate, hike quite a distance down to a creek and then cross the creek, walk down a small rock road bed along the side of the creek. It was very hot so when we got to the creek we waded a while, then sat down on the bank to rest. While talking we heard some heavy footsteps, cracking branches, then another few heavy footsteps. It sounded like a very heavy man, as it was something walking on two feet. It got really quiet and we listened a while and got really spooked. We didn't hear anything more so we went to inspect the house and barn and sheds. Near one of the sheds there were many, many, giant blackberries, as long as your thumb and we stopped to eat a few and smelled this really horrible sewer smell. We wondered how that could be because the house had not been used in several years.
was so awful and we got spooked again with the quiet so we decided to get
out of there fast. We got back to the creek and in approximately
the same area we heard rustling noises like smothing moving through the
bushes and heavy growth there. Right at this point there was a huge
tree lying across the road and we had to go to either end to get over it,
so we chose the end farthest away from the sounds. Still we knew
something was following us. We also heard the sounds near the creek
again of something walking along the creek there. We crossed the creek
and ran into a snake on the other side and then quickly walked the mile
back out to where our car was parked. We will never go back to that
place again.
Description of Creature: Did not see the creature, just heard it.
of Witness: Investigating
an old farm place that we were thinking about purchasing.
Other Notes: We have G.C.B.R.O. field investigator's working in this area, we'll post our findings here.
by another large
animal. The sounds late up in the night were gro
taken and Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by Mary Green
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