Received From: The GCBRO
Report Submission Form.
DATE: March 21, 2004
TIME: 5:15 pm
LOCATION: Madison County, Tennessee
I have an eight year old son, who was seven years
old back in March of 2004. He saw a Bigfoot about forty yards
northwest of the of our church parking lot. He was playing
basketball, when the ball bounced to the edge of the woods. When
he picked the ball up he saw what he described to me as an adult male
The Bigfoot was staring at him, and was at least seven feet tall, and
weighed at least four hundred pounds. After about ten seconds the
Bigfoot walked away deeper into the woods. My son could only see
him from the waist up. I had combed that same patch of woods a
month before this sighting. I went back to that patch of woods in
April, and had found some fresh evidence of tree branches that had been
moved, but unfortunately no footprints nor the one who made them.
Activities of Witness: He was playing
basketball by himself on our north parking lot. Our choir was
practicing inside the church. His sister was playing inside our
fellowship building. He did not tell anyone about this until
April or about three weeks later.
Description of Creature: N/A
Other Notes:
My son has been with me before on a Bigfoot search
and is a believer. When he saw this Bigfoot he was not terrified,
and did not scream. I showed him a sketch of a Bigfoot on the
internet, and he told me that that was exactly what he saw that evening.
Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments: Upon contact the witness had no additional information to add to this report.
All information (reports, sketches, and pictures) contained within are
the sole property of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization (G.C.B.R.O.)
and or the original submitting party.
No information may be reproduced, in part or in whole, without the
written consent of
the Gulf Coast BigFoot Research
or the original submitting party.