From the files of Joseph K. Bell

                                               Submitted by Joseph K. Bell..  Reported  by Confidential

REPORT RECEIVED: From Joseph K. Bell's Field Research Notes

DATE:            March, 1998

TIME:                9:30 - l0:00 P.M., C.S.T.

LOCATION:  Southern Middle Tennessee, Giles County, near Waco Community

TERRAIN:      Thick, Dark Woods, spring nearby, Land was full or what is called
                   Ridges and Hollers in Tennessee (deep gorges and high cliffs)

OBSERVED:  As told to Joseph K. Bell.      Larry who lived with his dog in a trailer on his family's 65 acre farm  was watching TV one rainy night.   Larry , who required the use of a wheelchair, wheeled himself  to the front door to let his dog in.  The front door was open.   Only the screen door separated the living room from the dark woods surrounding the trailer.   He pushed open the screen door and noticed a black outline lying on the porch.
The front porch light was off.  The porch was lit only by the  light from the living room.   Thinking that it was his dog he nudged it with his foot and said,  “Blackie get in  the house “.   The black outline didn’t move so he nudged it again.   That’s when he  realized it wasn’t his dog.  The black outline stood up on two feet, and started towards the steps.   Startled,  Larry pushed himself up from the wheelchair and raised his fist to defend
himself.  The creature stopped and turned it’s head towards Larry and gave a low growl .  Larry dropped back into the wheelchair and raised his arms and said “ You got me “. For the next 15 to 20 seconds the two just stared at each other.   Finally the creature turned and stepped off the porch and disappeared into the night.  Larry said he wasted no time in shutting and locking the doors then called his sister who lived close by .

Description of Creature: Approximately six feet tall.   Weighing roughly two hundred pounds . Covered with dark brown hair, but possibly could have been lighter since the creature would have been wet by the heavy rains.  The only areas of the body not covered by hair were around the eyes, the cheeks,  and around the mouth.  The ears were small and covered with coarse reddish hair as was the bridge of the nose.  The exposed areas of the face was described as black leathery like.  It had wide thin lips and squareish human-like teeth
Also Larry noticed that the back of the creatures hands were covered with hair, and it had a small potbelly.  No sex was noted.

Activities of Witness:   Sitting at home alone watching TV and then preparing to bring his dog inside and lock the trailer up and go to bed.
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Other Notes:   This family lives in three separate trailers on a 65 acre farm that is heavily wooded and filled with ridges and hollers.   Larry lived in a small travel trailer next to a spring.  This was in 1986.   He was sitting out on the porch one night with all the lights in the trailer off when he heard a animal coming off the ridge.   At first he thought it might be a deer then noticed it seemed to be moving on two feet.  The night was very dark so he never saw what it was but heard it walk close by and stop at the spring for a drink.   He could hear slurping as it drank.  After drinking, it then continued on down the holler.

Other Other Notes:   Larry’s nephew and his nephew’s wife and a friend were camping on the property in 1993 in the fall of the year.   After they had retired to the tents for the night, something started throwing rocks at the tents.  They were not too bothered at first,  thinking some one had sneaked down to where they were camping  and was trying to scare them.  Then the rocks were being thrown much harder.   The nephew worried for their safety took an ax then and went looking for the culprit.   Nothing was found and he returned to the tent.  Then the rocks would start again.
The harassment continued  until daybreak.   Every one involved said they would never camp there again.   Many members of the families that live on the farm said they have had times when they felt they were being watched and being trailed when they were in the woods.   One member related to me that a bigfoot was spotted in the area in the late seventies and that a hunt  was organized in an attempt to track it down.

More Notes:  It had been very bad weather that day with high winds and raining very hard.   Where the Bigfoot was lying on the porch, on its knees and elbows drawed up tightly under it in the shape of a dog, it would have received a lot of protection from the wind and rain.  The witness thought this might be why it was lying the way it was,  to get out of the cold, windy rain.

These sketches were shown to the Larry after he described how the bigfoot looked to Bill Asmussen and although not the final sketch, Larry has confirmed that the sketches of the bigfoot are very close to what the bigfoot looked like that night on his porch.  The final approved sketch by Larry will be posted at a later date.

Report taken and Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by Joseph K. Bell

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