From the files of

        Submitted by Confidential

REPORT RECEIVED: From the GCBRO Online Report Submission Form

DATE:  May, 1981

TIME:  4:00 to 5:00 P.M. CST

LOCATION:   Jamestown, Tennessee, Fentress/Overton County section of Hwy. 52

TERRAIN:     (Researchers Notes: This area has some of the steepest mountains in middle TN.  Has narrow, winding roads where you can see way, way down in the valleys below.) Heavily wooded.

OBSERVED:  My husband, Aunt and I were going into Jamestown. My brother had
been very ill and was dying and this was along about that time we made a
trip to Ohio before he died.  We were going up the mountain towards Jamestown, Tennessee when my Aunt and I both saw a tall, man-like creatures at least 7 1/2 foot tall with his right hand propped up against a tree, leaning on the tree and staring at our car as we went by.  He was covered all over with brownish, grayish long hair. He looked so
nonchalant it was unbelievable to me and my Aunt. We both went to hollering
for my husband to stop the car, turn around and go back so we could see
this creature again. I believe it was a bigfoot as it looked just like
pictures that you see of them. My Aunt and I were very upset that he would
not stop and turn around and go back, but continued on into Jamestown.

Description of Creature:  At least 7 1/2 ' tall, covered all over with brownish, grayish long hair

Activities of Witness: Traveling, riding in our vehicle towards Jamestown

Other Notes:  None

Other reports from this area:  yes

Other Other Notes:  None

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by Mary Green

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