DATE: 10/15/01
TIME: About 2:00 a.m.
East Tennessee, Smoky
Mountains, County not disclosed
was lost in the Smoky mountain last year. With no food or water and lack
of a map and flashlight (reasons disclosed) I made my way to a creek for
water to drink. After sipping from the cool waters, I heard the sound of
branches breaking under heavy footsteps. When I looked up, their was a
large humanoid shape on the opposite side of the creek, cupping water with
its hands and slurping. I watched it for at least 5 minutes, after it had
it's fill, the creature stood up on two feet and walked away like a man.
But it was no man, by the light of the moon, I could see it's dark hairy
covering as it left. I sat their trembling after it had vanished into the
night. Then I got up, and ran the other way. Long story short, I found
a road and was picked up by a local travler and brought back to my car
which laid 1 hour away.
DESCRIPTION OF CREATURE: Humanoid in shape and size. Hairy with massive shoulders., I went back more than once to find out where i had been(bringing a map and food this time mind you) but could never find the same location, though I did find the creek.
NOTES: The rushing water of the creek
drowned out almost all sound.
OTHER SIGHTINGS IN THIS AREA: It wasn't a bear I'll say that much, and I don't know of anyone running around in the middle of nowhere dressed in a hairy suit.
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