From the Files of

  Reported  by Confidential

RECEIVED: From the G.C.B.R.O. Web Site Submission Form

DATE:        06/26/01

TIME:         2:00 A.M.

LOCATION:     Quehmohoming Dam, Pennsylvania, Somerset County

TERRAIN:       Wooded, dense woods with dam

OBSERVED:   We were going camping at the dam.  We arrived around 1:00 a.m. (a late start).  Began to set up the tent, and start a fire.  While putting up the tent my cousin Kerri smelled a horrid stinch.  She began to tease my boyfriend for pooping his pants. No one really was concerned with the smell considering it is the wildnerness.

We began to get our fishing poles in the water, about 10 yards away from the tent.
I promptly arranged my pillow below me on the ground for a comfortable sitting place, after taking my seat.  I also noticed the foul smell lurking in the air.  As we sat there it seemed to get closer and stronger as the hours past. The wind was calm and a very peaceful night.

But I myself felt as if we were being watched. I had gotten an eerie feeling as soon as we arrived...and so did XXXXX.  Not saying anything about her feeling of fright she decided not to scare anyone.   XXXXXX decided to explore the area with the lantern.
We didnt want to camp by any dead animals.  She found nothing.  Not behind us,
in front of us, nor with an area about 20 yds. by 20yds.

The smell was an odor of a mix between a rotting deer and ...well it was so bad that words can't explain it.  But there is one description that I can't leave out.  I said that it smelt like a rotting deer, a deer that you have your face directly in the deer itself.  That is how strong it was.  My cousin's son was going to fish all night while we were sleeping until he heard thrashing in the woods.  He hurried into the tent.

We were puzzled by the smell but didnt think much about it. That is until Kerri heard a shrill scream from the distance (there are no houses or such for miles) She was praying for daylight.  We got up about eight and returned to our exact same spot (my pillow was still there from the night before).  And the smell was gone.  Not a scent of it was in the air.  Not thinking anything of it we fished a bit and went home.

We would not be writing this to you except our other cousin, XXX, a week later we told him we went to the dam fishing/camping (not mentioning the smell nor the scream Kerri heard).  He said jokingly "Did you see bigfoot?"  We said,  "What are you talking about?"

His buddy from work knows the park rangers from the dam.  The park rangers on separate occasions have seen a bigfoot near the dam.  One of the  park rangers sat inside the watch tower from above and watched a bigfoot on his haunches and the other park ranger seen a family of them drinking from the dam sticking their whole faces into the water.  Neither park ranger wanted to tell one another in fear of being made fun of.  But when it came to life there was no poking any fun.  They both finally confronted one another agreeing that this isnt funny.  They called a bigfoot agencie.
(I am not sure of the name of the exact agencie)  Supposly there was an investigation two years ago and the agencie would only say that there is definitely something out there. The agencie is sworn to silence and can not reveal any other infomation.

ACTIVITIES OF WITNESS(ES):     Camping, fishing

DESCRIPTION OF CREATURE:     Horrible stinch, shrilling screams, the sound of thrashing in the woods, limbs breaking.

OTHER NOTES:   There were also 16 ducks with their guts ripped out of them laying in the woods untouched (not eaten) What animal rips out guts of an animal and doesn't eat them?

OTHER OTHER NOTES:    16 ducks with their guts ripped out of them.

OTHER SIGHTINGS IN THIS AREA?:  Yes, the Park Rangers Sightings

Report taken and Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by Mary Green

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