From the Files of

Reported by Mike Morrow,
Independent PA Field Researcher

RECEIVED FROM:    G.C.B.R.O. Online Submission Form

DATE:           10-20-02

TIME:            Between 6 a.m. and 12 noon

LOCATION:   Mt Logan Nature Preserve, Clinton County, Pennsylvania

TERRAIN:      Mountains,  rocky, very wooded, and hard to climb

OBSERVED: I had a researcher friend come down from Canada for several days,that wanted to check out my area for possible bigfoot activity.

He did a very extensive search all around and up into the Mt. Logan area. He did note that he seen a few things that were strange while up in the mountain and a couple of those was a large scat pile that didn't look like a bears because of there not being enough nuts inside the scat. Another thing he added was he seen a group of deer while up in the mountain,and a large brown object was off to the side of them,and staying back in the woods, just enough to make it visible by seeing the color of it.

He also found a bent tree that had three large rocks stacked on top of the end of the tree, and the rocks appeared to be holding it down. He said that he was enjoying himself out there "so-far", and he seemed to feel that bigfoot was around the area somewhere, but "where" was the major question indeed.

The last night out there was an interesting one, as he decided to sleep in his car, that was parked just outside the gate, that closes access to the reservoir area, which is just south, and east of Mt Logan.  Later that night around (he guessed)  2:30 a.m. he was awakened by the sound of something walking around his car, and since the temperature outside was below freezing, he couldnt make out what it was, because his car windows were fogged up. He said it circled the car about three times, and he could hear its footsteps very clear as it moved,and a couple of times it stopped for a little bit, then started walking again. After a while, he said it got quiet outside, and he didn't get out of his car until daylight. When he opened his car door, he noticed a large stick about a foot long, with bite marks on it in several areas laying just outside and next to his door.

When I got off work, later that evening, I went out there to visit him and he told me the night's happenings and showed me the stick It was most definately not made by anything with canine teeth, but with teeth that are blunt and that left an even bite mark all along the radius. One thing I did notice about the bite radius, was that it is much wider than a humans, around 3/4 of an inch. This stick I still have as evidence, and if anybody wants pictures of it or the such, then I suggest getting with the GCBRO and they will contact me.

After we looked at the stick for a little bit, I decided to have a look around and see where this bigfoot came down from. Right in front of his car is a ridge that runs straight up and into a very thick area of forest. I spotted some footprints at the base inbetween some bushes, and they led up to about halfway on the ridge and stopped in a small flat area that was mashed down, and appeared that something sat there for a while looking straight down at his car. This area was accessible by a game trail that led from the top of that ridge, and the woods and terrain was just to difficult for going any further.

After we investigated the area for signs and such, we decided to part ways, and he wanted to investigate Western PA for a little bit and that was a different story altogether, that won't be brought up as this specific time.

When last Sunday came around, I decided to go out there around 5 a.m. and have a look around myself. It was way too cold to walk much ,and so I stayed in my car until the sun came out, and warmed things up a bit. While I was sitting in my car, I could hear a loud bird call way up on the ridge where my friend's bigfoot came down from. It was still very dark out, and I thought that it was strange for a bird to be doing this at nighttime. A little time passed while I kept hearing the strange calls, and another set of calls answered the first one, from way up on the ridge, near the top I would think. So I figured out it was two somethings calling back to each other, but unsure of bigfoot activity. What was real strange about this scenario, is that when daylight approached, the sounds ceased all at once.

When it was light enough, and the chill let up a little bit, I decided to head for the base of Mt Logan in an area where I first found a set of footprints that led to a creek and then went back up in this same spot. Lo-and-behold did I find the trail of a bigfoot that left tracks 17 inches long, and made a real mess of a large tree that was near its trail. Never have I came across a tree so damaged in my bigfoot research, the tree had huge chunks ripped out of it, and I'm talking several feet long chunks, and the bark was stripped off in large pieces that littered the ground.

A limb about 6 feet long was torn off of the tree, and was found leaning next to some over hanging branches. The tree limb was about 1 1/2 inches in diameter, and you could see the twisting on the end of it, where the bigfoot wrenched it off.

I climbed to the middle of a large rocky area, that was visible from another ridge across the way, and decided I would look this spot over with a telescope - when I put a bait trap out of beef liver. After I set the bait up for the bigfoot, I started back down to the car and got my telescope and headed to the view point so I could see the bait on the other ridge. When I got everything set up, and looked through my telescope, I seen to my disappointment that the bait had already been taken. In just a matter of 30 minutes, the bigfoot came down from the ridgetop on where the bait was at, "took the bait" and disappeared into the woods again. It must have gotten wind of the liver, because it stunk to high heaven and watched me leave the area, before it came down for it.
I will be trying this method again in the near future, and I'm going to have a telescope trained on the liver as soon as it gets set up for bigfoot.

Sure seems he likes beef liver for sure,"and rank smelling liver at that!"

ACTIVITIES OF WITNESSES:  Searching for signs of bigfoot


OTHER NOTES:   All sightings and evidence findings are immediately reported to the GCBRO. Everything that was seen or heard was posted with report.  Bad weather for around 4 days prior to my findings on that Sunday morning. The weather during my friends activity was a sudden cold spell that hasnt broken since.


Odd Track Find

17 inch track in moss

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Report Submitted by Mary Green

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