DATE: 1980's
TIME: Early morning hours/ before dawn
LOCATION: Pennsylvania, Cambria County
OBSERVED: A local girl claimed to have heard strange sounds outside her home. When she looked out of her bedroom window, she claims to have seen a large creature standing upright beneath a streetlight across the street from her home. At first she thought the creature was a bear standing erect; but, as she observed it, she found it did not appear to be a bear after all. It looked more like a hairy human than a bear. The witness was quite frightened, and ran to show others the beast. Unfortunatly, the creature was gone when the witness returned to the window with her mother.
Some individuals claim to have heard strange noises in the nearby woods.
ACTIVITIES OF WITNESSES: Sitting inside her home.
DESCRIPTION OF CREATURE: The creature was covered with brown hair and estimated to be roughly seven feet tall. It had long, human-like legs and the overall body shape was like that of a human. The sounds it made were never described.
OTHER SIGHTINGS IN THIS AREA: I myself was once approached by an unseen something in a forested area not far from where the alleged sighting noted above took place. What ever this thing was, it approached slowly and sounded quite large. The dog that I had with me was very frightened of it.
years later, in 1999, the owner of the property told me a story about how
she and her two dogs came upon a hairy object lying half buried and bleeding
beneath some snow. The object was very large and the dogs were vere excited
by it. One of them seemed threatened. As the witness and her dogs approached
the thing, it began to breath very rapidly. The thing was covered in long,
shaggy brown hairs. Its overall size seemed too large for a big dog. The
object disappeared the next day.
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