From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

Report Received From: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.
Report Posted To GCBRO Web Site On  December 1, 2007

DATE:    August 21, 2007 

TIME:     6:45 pm  

LOCATION:   Linn County, Oregon 

TERRAIN:    National Forest 

OBSERVED:    I am a field researcher and have been looking for sasquatch for 15 years.  I went to this location after reading an old report in 1996 about two hunters that heard screams at a gravel pit.  When i went to the gravel pit i found two tracks 16" long, two tree breaks that were snapped off at seven feet high they were about 15" around and the top part still had green needles on it, found another tree that was pushed halfway over with part of a track at the base, found another tree that had the bark stripped off 14 feet high.  I took pictures of all the evidence.  After finding this evidence i camped at a lake two miles away from the gravel pit.   I had my wife drop me off with my dog on 8-19-07, i set up camp and started playing music then before i went to bed i played some sasquatch sounds the next day i had found that i had a visitor, it put a cut stump that i was using for a table halfway in my fire pit.  Nothing happened again until the last day when my wife came to pick me up, as we were talking i looked up on a hill that was across from my camp and i saw a sasquatch move real fast from right to left, i told my wife what i saw and to be still and not make a sound.  After about five minutes it started to tree knock so i grabbed a stick and tree knocked back, well after i tree knocked two times it tree knocked back two times, so i hit three times it hit three times this went on for four or five minutes. This creature copied everything that i did when tree knocking!  After about five minutes i tried to get closer and see it again but i think it was watching me because it stopped knocking, i then saw the shadow of the sasquatch go by a tree and then it was gone.  I looked for evidence but found none the hill it was on was heavy timber, i plan to go back and camp again and will let you know if i have contact.

Activities of Witness:   Researching, looking for Sasquatch. 

Description of Creature:  Was brownish black about seven feet tall, then about five minutes later it started tree knocking. 

Other Notes:    When i was camping there was no animals around not even birds and at night there was no sounds no bugs no frogs nothing!  I think there might be a family in this area. 

Other (Informational or Encounter History in the General Area) Notes:    N/A

Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments N/A

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master

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