From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

Report Received From: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.

DATE:    April 1, 1975

TIME:     Approximately 6:00 pm

LOCATION:   Seminole County, Oklahoma

TERRAIN:    Wooded

OBSERVED:    A large black hair covered animal standing in the middle of a county road grabbing leaves of a tree that we would later find to be over 10 feet over the road.  We watched with a high-powered scope from over a 1/4 mile away.  We dad spotted it first and handed me the gun and told me to look and tell him what I saw.  (The hair on the back of my neck is standing as I'm typing) I saw and described what I first thought might be a bear but it stood on two legs and move around and to my amazement I asked my dad if he saw the the two little ones running around the big ones legs.  We realized this was not a bear.  My dad took the rifle and could not speak as he watched and that in itself was very unusual.
We watched for what seemed forever but, was just a few minutes.  It was still there when we drove away.  A few people were told but, as you know we were laughed at.  I told my grandfather to my dad's dismay and he just sat there for a few minutes and told us he had seen something similar when he was younger while hunting one night in Arkansas.  I know what I saw was real and knowing my grandfather had witnessed something similar and he believed me I needed acceptance from no other person.

Activities of Witness:   Driving the back roads looking for wildlife and checking on a family hunting area.

Description of Creature:  7-8 feet tall black hair it was raining lightly so it the coat looked slick.  The smaller ones were black and probably 3 feet tall.

Other Notes:    On the question of there being other evidence or encounters in this area the witness responded with, "Only stories but, but they are from the same area.  I wont go back  to this area alone or with any number of friends for any amount of money.  It's still that fresh after all of these years."

Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments Upon contact the witness had no additional information to add to this report.

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master

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