DATE: 08-02-76
TIME: 1:00 pm
Kiamache River, Pushmataha County, near Atlers, Oklahoma
There was was a bridge that went across the river.
It ran from Atlers to the river.
There was was a lot and trees on the other side.
it happened when I was 10 years old. I was swimming and I was about
in middle of the river and I heard something behind me on the other side.
Well I turned toward the sound then I saw it standing upright on two legs,
like a man, but covered in brown hair. It stood at least 7 feet tall
but I didn't stick around. I swam back to shore and it went the other
way. I jumped into the truck and told my step dad get me out
there and I never went to that river again but thats what see when you
live near muddy boggy that I will never forget it. It scared the hell out
of me but I have seen it again two times after that here in California
but I am not that 10 year old boy now. But that's my story. I have got
a few but they happened when I was 27 years old and I am not that scared
of them anymore. In fact, I am very much into bigfoot sightings and I study
all of them I can. It's something I can not stay away from it.
ACTIVITIES OF WITNESSES: I was the only witness, swimming
DESCRIPTION OF CREATURE: It stood 7 feet tall covered with brown hair all over its body. It walked like a man on two legs but that's all I can remember. It was a long time ago. Didn't smell anything. Wind was blowing away from me. I heard from other people in and around Atlers who also had seen something the same as I had but that's all I remember from that time in my life.
NOTES: Well it appeared to be as
scared of me as I was of him and he was a male but I was that close to
other bigfoots two times here in California and found tracks in the area
where I live.
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