From the Files of

  Reported  by Confidential

RECEIVED FROM: G.C.B.R.O. Web Site Submission Form

DATE:        06/1980

TIME:         10 P.M.

LOCATION:    Buck Creek , Kiamichi Mt., Olahoma,
                 Pushmataha County
                 The town of Antlers sits at the bottom of the mountain.

TERRAIN:       Wooded

OBSERVED:    Very dark night, no moon, pitch black. Myself and wife felt a
presence circling the cabin.   Dogs were growling and barking.... felt the
presence looking in the top of the windows of the cabin.... then the dog
starting yelping.... then ran to the door with shotgun.... shot in the air
where the dog was yelping saw in the flash of the muzzle a large black
creature that screamed like a woman and went crashing through the woods.

Saw it was running on two legs.   By the way, the brush and branches were
breaking. I grew up in bear country and I know what a bear looks like.

The next morning the wife checked the dog and the dog was ripped open on
her back and she had to be put down. Looked for tracks found none....did find
the broken branches.

Also, feel this was not a cat as they could not look through the top of the
windows. It was very systematic about looking through the top of the windows.

Left the next day. Sincerely feel this fits into the Bigfoot area.

ACTIVITIES OF WITNESS(ES):Laying in bed ready to go to sleep. There was no alcohol or drugs involved.  No prescribed medications




OTHER SIGHTINGS IN THIS AREA:  Yes, there is currently another sighting from this county on the GCBRO database.

Report  Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by Mary Green

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