DATE: April 19,2000
TIME: Dusk
LOCATION: Okemah, Oklahoma, Okfuskee County
My parents who are in their early 70's and have lived in this area all
their lives were outside just before dark. My father was on his cell-phone
talking to my mother from his hog farm behind the house when he heard a
deep beastly cry that was so loud he heard it over the phone. My
mother, who was closer to the sound, was sitting in the yard and startled,
got up and inched her was to the back door of the house. There were
two loud bloodcurdling bellows that followed coming from the woods behind
the house. They both said it sounded very deep like some animal of
great weight, which I feel they could accurately judge having been in the
and cattle industry
for many years. It is also curious that this area is within a mile
of town and just a few hundred yards from highway X (with held for investigators).
I only wanted to
add that this was especially poinant to my sister and myself in that when
I was a freshman in high school and she is 6 years younger; we had
both heard this sound coming from the same woods some 20 years ago.
It was within a week of this incidence that two show pigs that was our
4-H projects for the county livestock show were found mulitated.
The two pigs weiging about 100lbs each, were in a small feed pen appox
6'x6' with very high wooded rails attached to a sturdy house that farmers
refer to as a smidly house. There were severe lacerations around
the ears and head and their snouts were purple and their eyes were bulging
as if they had been
strangled. I always believed that whatever it was that killed them
could not manipulate them back over the height of the fence.
Description of Creature: N/A
Activities of Witness: Talking on phone
Other Notes: Absolutly no alcohol or drugs were involved. My mother had been walking as she does sometimes in the evening for exercise. My father had been working on the farm. They are divorced and it is rare these days that they agree upon anything, however, they both agree that they heard something. As for my sister and myself I do recall that it was in the late afternoon on an unseasonable warm winter day and what I recall about the size of the pigs it must have been late January or Feb. I think we had been doing chores.
Other Other Notes: N/A
Report Posted to
the G.C.B.R.O. web site by Bobby Hamilton
Gulf Coast Bigfoot Research Organization Home Page
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