Received From: The GCBRO Online
Report Submission Form.
Posted To GCBRO Web Site On: June
2, 2006
May 24, 2006
7:45 PM
Herkimer County, New York
Country setting... water forest.. rocks
I was fishing and had been there for several
hours it wasn't dark but it was getting there and I thought I saw a bear
out of the corner of my eye across the river a little ways down maybe 15
feet down the river from me and on the other side. When I looked I was
Shocked to see this creature wasn't a bear but almost looked like a hairy
man kneeling in the bushes staring at me. The Face was hard to make out
but looked like a gorilla type face it watched me for a while, i reached
for my cell phone as seeing as it was the only close thing i had to a camera
but when i moved closer to get a pic the animal ran back a way in to the
woods. It moved like a ape and not like a man at all. It ran on all fours
but it definitely had hands. It stopped after running a little ways and
turned to look at me i guess to see if i was going to follow it, but I
had no notion to chase after something that i had no idea what it was,
so i left and was not able to get a picture.
Activities of Witness:
Description of Creature:
It was crouching down but I would say 6 or
7 feet tall maybe 350 pounds if not more. looked like a large ape very
big chest and upper body structure.. moved on all fours black hair looked
like gorilla hair not to long not to short looked like head hair was a
main like on a lion it had hands those where very clear when i saw it move
from behind the bushes.
Other Notes:
Other (Informational or Encounter
History in the General Area) Notes:
I have no idea. I know people have sighted
what they thought where bears but it could of been this creature.
Additional Notes and or Follow
up Comments: N/A
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