From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

Report Received From: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.
Report Posted To GCBRO Web Site On  December 1, 2007

DATE:    November 2, 2007 

TIME:     6:00 AM 

LOCATION:   Cheshire County, New Hampshire 

TERRAIN:    Mountains  

OBSERVED:    I was early having taken medication that makes me sleepless for a work related injury. Anyway, I took an early morning cruise to look for the big fellow or gals....I came upon the road where my Mother and I photographed evidence of the presence (territorial markers) made by these hairy primitives.  (Note: she doesn't know why I asked her to photograph strange trees and branches!)
I passed the church on my left and looked on the side of a road where this doe was staring away from me down the road, doing that thing with her ears, nervously raising and lowering them. not once did she look at my full headlights on her, after a couple of minutes she turned casually down to walk -again without looking at me-to raise her white tail and run after getting in the middle of the meadow. I pulled ahead wondering but i suspected and by god I might be right, there ahead on the LEFT hand side of the road was this pair of YELLOW eyes she had to have been very suspicious of! I drove down and shone my big flashlight (6 volt) into the woods where the eyes disappeared.....I am not certain but i did what appeared to be GREEN eyes staring at me from the depths of the woods! But i am not certain. there is a house close by. They just seemed to get closer when i was leaving the area but heard nothing....

Activities of Witness:   Driving 

Description of Creature:  Large glowing yellow eyes-seen it all before in a town well east of here.... 

Other Notes:    The height of the yellow eyes were about 7 feet minimum but could have been much higher.  I feel nothing over 8 at the absolute maximum but -again-I could be wrong. But one thing i am certain of, it was Bigfoot. My mother and i photographed  almost exactly what you have on this web site. Very, very similar formations in fact there were more but I didn't think it necessary to go deeper into the woods when the dirt road was easier to navigate.... 

Other (Informational or Encounter History in the General Area) Notes:    I've seen them in the general area and in fact found territorial markers just on the other side of the mountain where a few reports on other web sites have posted. In fact a couple of years ago I pulled off that very road in Marlbrough to relieve myself when i heard that strange rolling brush crushing as if something was forcing its' way through the thick Northeastern jungle at a steady pace. I did not linger long. I have heard the very same sound many, many time sin a little sparsely populated town in another report in this web site from Hillsborough County, in a laurel choked town...

This general area has few houses an alongside a second mountain, however small compared to the pacific northwest, but the territorial markers could almost be seen out the window. here in this area most of the easier seen makers are right along side the road. Even though i know for a fact they only come out after sun down, we could say they are practically domestic compared to the north west...!

Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments N/A

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master

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