From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

Report Received From: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.
Report Posted To GCBRO Web Site On  May 1, 2007

DATE:    August 15, 2006 

TIME:     1:00 am 

LOCATION:   Cheshire County, New Hampshire  

TERRAIN:    Rolling hills, heavily wooded but across this area is a swamp if that counts for anything. 

OBSERVED:    I decided to walk home on this beautiful cloudy otherwise moonlit night.  The clouds were very close together of what i call popcorn clouds. I walked along and wondering why no one had bought this utterly beautiful 2 story home. It was to the left I noticed movement of a huge mass that glided across the back yard and looked like a big blonde blob that stood out against the dark background like a beacon, we could say. That is all i saw was roughly the midsection......ok so where was it going? There is a small area with about twenty sheep there in a fence..I was wondering whether or not it would stalk me but was relieved when it didn't. But i knew what that was.  Any ways I got to XXXX Road and heard two very loud back to back weird screams, and screams they were. suggesting perhaps a screech owl but much, much louder. There was no warble whatsoever. The impression i got was "all clear".  I noticed later that the farmer or sheep owner removed everything including his sheep. I never went and asked around. they might think me a 'jehovah soliciting religion.  So think big bulky blonde hairy thing partially concealed by the apple or prune trees whatever they are. But I recognized the body movement. They appear to glide when they move so easily as if a fish in water with such supernatural ease..

Activities of Witness:   Walking home, I did move across the road after seeing that choosing to be nearer the street light well within view at XXXX Road.... 

Description of Creature:  N/A

Other Notes:    I have heard strange whooping calls in the dead of winter or just before spring near where I live down on the river.  One early morning about 1:30am or later one year-last year I heard what sounded like a man falling off a huge cliff screaming that suddenly ended with a high pitched screaming from an aahhhhhhhh that I could not keep a breath going without inhaling into an uninterrupted scream. sounded like a man up to that point somewheres in the unseen inky blackness way out there to the west.

Other (Informational or Encounter History in the General Area) Notes:    I saw another this year as well about a month ago or so, late February one week end.  I was leaving my sisters' after the dog began barking and I thought; "well, well, well, our 'friends' have returned have they?"  I immediately suspected "bigfoot' as they were -one anyways-seen by me in that area across the street in June of 2005 just after dark. So here I am going to my auto when I see this -well -the outer right edge any ways of something big and brown moving -"gliding " silently to the area where I saw a blackish one in 2005 in almost the same spot. This one was apparently behind a truck just across the little dead end road and when it thought i could see it it got up and ran for it. This one was a medium brown color from what little i could see of it And yet i could nOT believe my eyes. So that is twice in that almost exact location. My sister has reported to me that she had heard some of the strangest calling she could ever imagine there too. my encounter history is documented elsewhere..

Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments N/A

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master



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