My son was in the back seat and my wife in the
front. She did not see what I did. She thought I saw a bear or something
but she did see something cross before the bend. So she was not as enthused
as me. My son did see the red eyes and he kept talking about them all night.
As for buddy, he slept through the whole thing..
When I was 8 years old I stayed at the Nortic Village
North Conway for one week. I met this boy that was my age. We played for
days. His grandmother was the caretaker or owner. I'm not sure. One
night we set up a tent and camped out side in the back yard. We told tales.
I remember one about bigfoot that his grandpa hunted down one in the 1950's
and the family of this one roams this land. He said not to get out of the
tent if you hear anything outside. Well, that night I sure did hear something.
It was a snorting sound almost like a gargle or gulp. This went on almost
all night. I wet the tent that night.
Submitted by Mary Green
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