From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

REPORT RECEIVED FromThe GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.

DATE:    07-?-99

TIME:    after dark

LOCATION:    Carroll County, New Hampshire

TERRAIN:    Mixed hardwoods and softwoods. Also hilly

OBSERVED:    I sent a report a year or so ago. I have since talked to one of my cousins, who had an
experience at the same location. Two of my cousins were staying at the family cabin one
weekend. The fridge is out on the deck. XX went out on the deck to get something
cold to drink and noticed that his cooler was missing. He called to his brother to come look for it. The outside light was burned out so there was no light outside. They looked around the deck and couldn't find it. They heard a noise and looked over by a huge rock that is about 20 feet from the cabin. This rock is about 10 feet high and about the same width.
They could make out a dark shape against the gray rock and could make out the cooler on the
ground in front of it. Their first reaction was that it was a bear. However, it was standing upright and almost as tall as the rock. It was too dark to see any detail. It was slowly swaying back and forth. It made no sound and they did not smell any odors. They yelled and waved their arms trying to scare it away. It would not move off.This scared them and they went back in the cabin. In the morning they went out and the cooler was still by the rock opened and the bag of cookies that was in it was laying beside it. The bag was ripped open and empty.
My cousins aren't sure it was a bear as bears are heavily hunted in that part of New Hampshire
and they are terrified of humans and run away when encountered. I have checked many web sites
on Bigfoot and have noticed there are more sightings in Carroll county than any where else in
the state.

Activities of Witness:   Sitting in the cabin playing cards.

Description of Creature:    It was almost pitch dark, but all they noticed was that it was a large dark shape standing upright and tall.

Other Notes:    There have been sightings in this county going back to the 1930's.

Additional Notes or Comments N/A

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master

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