From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

Report Received From: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.
Report Posted To GCBRO Web Site OnOctober 1, 2006

DATE:    August 1, 1986 

TIME:     10:00 P.M. 

LOCATION:   Stokes County, North Carolina 

TERRAIN:    Woodland, dirt road between open fields 

OBSERVED:    I was riding down a dirt road with my dad looking for cattle that had gotten out of the fence. When we traveled around a curve in the road, I noticed a dark brown animal on the side of the field near the road no more than 20 yards away from me. I could see red eyes that shown brightly in the head lights of the truck. I could see what looked like a human face looking back at me. The animal was completely covered in brown/redish hair that was several inches long. I have been an avid sportsman for most of my life and I can positively say that this animal was no dog or bear. Then the animal stood up on two legs and stepped across the road in one step. It began to move towards the woodline and seemed to take gigantic steps and move at a very fast pace. It crossed a field that is at least 30-40 yards wide in no more than 5 steps. I could plainly see both arms swinging as it walked. When the animal stood up it was at least two feet taller than the ton truck we were in. The animal had a large barrel chest and its head seemed to come to a slight point on top. It had large nostrils and a wide mouth.It seemed to happen so fast but the image of what I saw is still very plain to me today. I have never walked in that section of the woods again. I told my wife and children about the incident and have taken them to the same place but I don't want to go into the woods in that area. I never even asked my Dad if he saw anything, I figured that if he did he would have said something to me or just thought I made it up. I know I was young at the time, but I have no doubt as to what I saw.

Activities of Witness:   Riding down dirt road 

Description of Creature:  7-8 feet tall. 400-550 lbs. Brown/redish hair that was several inches long. The hair seemed shorter around the face. Long arms that extended past the hips. Glowing red eyes in the headlights. Large hands. Upright posture. Fast gait and agile (it walked through a plowed field with ease). Crouched at first then stood upright on two legs. Slight bend at the knees when it walked. Short neck and large head. Muscular arms and a barrel chest

Other Notes:    N/A

Other (Informational or Encounter History in the General Area) Notes:    I have heard of some encounters on the internet, but have heard of no other encounters personally.

Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments Thank you for your website. I hesitate to tell anyone of my encounter because they usually think I am crazy. While writing this I had cold chills and bad dreams later that night. I hope this information helps. 

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master



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