Received From: The GCBRO Online Report
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Posted To GCBRO Web Site On:
September 3, 2009
8:00 PM
Richmond County, North Carolina
Heavily wooded, but also marshy along the river
OBSERVED: It was almost dark, we were cat fishing and noticed 18" 3-toed tracks going into the water. We followed the tracks which were fresh and came to a rocky cliff and could hear something breathing heavy off to our right. It was too dark to see but all of the forest sounds stopped and it became very scary. We got out in a hurry. Later the next day, we returned and made a plaster cast of a footprint, but during the night it rained hard so our print was very poor quality. We are currently doing some night time howl calling and knocking in the area to try and contact the thing. We had one holler back from it a week ago around 11:00 pm. There is something in the area.
things: No smells as have been described
by others. The footprints were human like except they had 3 toes, they
were approx. 18" with a stride of over 3 feet. The odd thing was that each
foot was curved so that the toes pointed inward. Originally, the prints
were sharp as the thing stepped into very soft mud near the creek the further
it went inland the ground clutter made good prints hard to find. The main
thing was how quiet it got. The area is wild and remote with no houses
in any direction for miles. The crickets even stopped chirping. The area
is home to bobcat, turkey, deer, raccoons, cranes, and even black bear
on occasion. Never have I seen a foot print like this though.
of Witness: We were fishing.
We walked up the creek down a little path until the path ran out and we
walked further along the creek bank which is where we discovered the tracks.
of Creature: There was no creature
observed, only foot prints and a low "growl" or heavy breathy sound in
the woods.
Notes: The area is so
remote that one time many years ago, a man wanted for murder fled in the
area and it took weeks before anyone found him. One doesn't think of such
large vast remote wilderness being left in the eastern US but this is such
an area. It would be a good place to conduct searches as I have been doing
and hope to find something.
(Informational or Encounter History in the General Area) Notes:
Recently, I have been going up there at night doing some howl calling and
beating sticks against the trees to see if I could get a response. Once,
I received a "holler" back. It was very far up the creek from me but started
off as a low growl and ended up as a "whooping" holler. I tried again for
an hour with no luck. This happened a few days ago. Also, I ran into a
fisherman and told him the story. He said that a couple of years ago, a
man driving the back roads nearby stopped at trash collection bin to dump
trash at about 3:00 am when something leaped out of the bin on two legs
and chased him to his car. The man got in the car and fled so scared that
he didn't even dump his trash. The county had to close the bin because
something kept trashing the place nightly. I've heard of fisherman in the
area hearing howl's off in the woods at night also. The area is very remote
and has a large amount of wooded land with vast creeks and a river flood
Notes and or Follow up Comments: