From the Files of

Reported by Confidential

RECEIVED FROM:  G.C.B.R.O. Online Submission Form

DATE:    Around 3-2000 to 3-2002

TIME:      9-10 PM

LOCATION:   Out-county, Southern Orange County, North Carolina


My interest was sparked by the report from Orange county which I read on your site, concerning the person who reported hearing the sounds attributed to Bigfoot.  Particularly, their report that they felt followed, and heard sounds in the woods as they walked, and that they felt "spooked".

I have had the same experience.  I live in a rural section of southern Orange County, not far from Chatham County (about 1 1/2 miles), and I would suspect that I reside not far from where your other informant lived.  I live on a gravel road which loops about a length of a mile, basically connecting White Cross Rd. and Old Greensboro highway to each other (imagine a square ring).  This road is sparsely populated, with probably 10-12 houses scattered along both sides of the road, and fairly dense woodland surrounding them all.

My experience is as follows.  In the past, I have made a habit of taking an evening constitutional along this road, generally between 9-10 PM, though have stopped doing so after the last time I felt I was being watched/followed.  Several times over the past 2 years (dating from around 3-2000 to 3-2002) as I walked along a particular quarter-mile stretch around the bend in this road, I would hear noises sounding as if something were moving in the brush and forest off to the west side of the road.  The sounds seemed to be fairly close to the road (say, 15-20 feet off), but I never actually saw anything when I shone my flashlight to the woods.  What spooked me was that these noises would stop when I stopped and shone my flashlight, and would start up again when I began to walk, and would stop and go as I did.  At the same time, I would get a very strong "spooked" feeling and felt like I was being watched.  On a couple of occasions, I even called out to someone in the brush, and got no response.

Eventually, after about a quarter mile, I would stop hearing the sound and the feeling would pass.  I eventually began to carry a large walking stick with me as I walked, and when that didn't give me a feeling of security, I would borrow my landlady's .38 calibre revolver.  This even didn't give me a real sense of safety, so I stopped walking this route at night.  This occurred probably 4-5 times over the two years.  I never heard any sort of calls or noises other than the movement in the brush, nor did I ever smell any sort of odour like what is said to accompany a bigfoot.

ACTIVITIES OF WITNESSES:  taking an evening constitutional along this road

DESCRIPTION OF CREATURE: Didn't see whatever it was that was following me., My landlady reported to me once that people in our area have reported bears in this part of the county, even though we really don't have the habitat for it.



Report submitted by Mary Green

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