Received From: The GCBRO Online Report
Submission Form.
Posted To GCBRO Web Site On:
June 1, 2012
3:30 am
Cumberland County, North Carolina
Nothing was seen. - Something large was coming through
the woods toward our parked jeep. Lots of noise from breaking trees
and limbs. We heard low, angry growling sounds coming our way. Also,
terrible reeking smell was present. The driver cranked the jeep and
we tore out of the area.
Info: I am trying to
recall these details from over 40 years ago). When returning to the area
after daylight, myself and other 82nd Airborne Military Police personnel
found the immediate area extremely torn up. There were no distinguishable
foot prints, due to the hard dry ground, but the grass and weeds were stomped
down flat. Small pine trees were smashed and limbs were torn off
trees, about 8' to 8'6" high. There were still traces of the odor
in the area. Hair samples (almost black) were located in the vicinity.
Driver refused to return to the sight, under any circumstances.
of Witness: Driver of
the jeep was asleep, behind the steering wheel. Myself was in the
passenger seat, doing nightly report by flashlight. Driver was awaken
by sounds of animal and breaking limbs. He immediately started jeep
and took off, almost throwing me out of the jeep. We were both
armed with loaded 45 cal. pistols but did not get a chance to consider
using them.
of Creature: Not seen. Large,
sounded bipedal, smelly.
Notes: N/A
(Informational or Encounter History in the General Area) Notes:
Yes, there had been many more sightings of the Manchester Monster, during
previous years. There were several photos of the creature and castings
of footprints at the 82nd Airborne Military Police Headquarters.
There is at least one report on your web site. (Reported: 5-1-02,
Occurred: July 1974, Heading: North Carolina Bigfoot--82nd
Airborne Div. Soldiers see Big Foot at Ft. Bragg.
Notes and or Follow up Comments: