From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

Report Received From: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.

DATE:    April 18. 2002, and ongoing

TIME:     4:00-5:30 am

LOCATION:   Cumberland County, North Carolina

TERRAIN:    Forrested with creek bottom plus cypress swamp.

OBSERVED:    I heard stones being tossed in my driveway at 4:00 a.m.,when I got up to go to the bathroom. I peeked out the shutters to see what was making the noises. I saw two Bigfoots at the other side of the lawn. The smaller one stood upright & the larger one squatted down in a position to run as in a race. I submitted a report on 6/3/01. Spending more time on this property I've had ongoing Bigfoot activity. I had XXXX  from the XXXX (Another internet research group that also has a large sightings database) taking all my information regularly since I gave you my original report. I've sent him photos with the negatives, audio tapes, the orginals and only ones, my journals, etc. I've sent hair samples. He has never sent anything back to date. Regardless of my pleas'! On this above occasion I saw a third Bigfoot as well, the one tossing the stones in my driveway. It was huge and black with red eyes. It looked to be a good 10'tall if not more. The one squatting was about 7'1/2 and the other was about 5'or 5'1/2'.

Activities of Witness:   It was huge and black with red eyes. It looked to be a good 10'tall if not more. The one squatting was about 7'1/2 and the other was about 5'or 5'1/2'

Description of Creature:  N/A

Other Notes:    They hide by lying flat on there stomaches and not moving camoflauging in with the night. They can walk on they're hands and feet in the lying down position on the ground. It's eerie. The black Bigfoots cover up the white or lighter colored Bigfoots until they get to there desired positions. All of this other information I've gathered over the years of feeding and studying them since I originally wrote you.

Every night when I go to sleep I leave the window shade and shutters to the window closest to my head open. Sometimes when the weather permits the window too. But it has a screen in it. I leave a night light on every night too. But there are no lights on outdoors anywhere on our property, we have 3 acres. The Bigfoots come to my windows throughout the night. I can describe there calls, acts, and looks.

Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments Upon contact the witness had no additional information to add to this report.

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master

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