From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

Report Received From: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.
Report Posted To GCBRO Web Site On  July 1, 2010

DATE:    12/08/09 

TIME:     N/A 

LOCATION:   Caldwell County, North Carolina 

TERRAIN:    Wooded  

OBSERVED:    I was out mountain biking with my one of my friends out on some trails that encompass Lake XXXX. We go out there about every other week and ride and everything seemed normal when we started. About halfway through the trails we stopped to take a break and drink some water. After we had been sitting down for probably a good ten minutes a deathly silence came over the area of woods we were at. This was enough to frighten me at the time but then we heard kind of a cross between a grunt and a howl that made my skin crawl. We both turned around and up on the hill adjacent to us was this massive creature staring straight at us. It was only fifteen feet max from us, hill top to hill top and i could see it well enough. It was covered in white fur. It had bipedal legs like a man along with long dangly arms but what i noticed most was that it had the head of a dog. With piercing yet somehow human blue eyes. Not the usual red deathly stare you hear about in stories. But it still scared the crap out of me and my friend. and we ran, leaving the bikes. we had to go back and get them later that day, still afraid to go into the woods. We finally got the bikes out and went home and have only gone back into those woods while in a large group such as our school track team who runs the trails for practice.

Additional things: It was broad daylight, just after lunch. Nobody else was on the trails when we were there. About two months after the incident another one of my friends claimed to have seen it too but in another section of woods. (Please note that the date given above is an estimation of when it happened since I do not remember the exact date. It was early december last year I know) 

Activities of Witness:   Mountain biking as we had done almost every time we hang out on the weekends at my house. Nothing out of the normal.  

Description of Creature:  Taller than my friend and me, which at the time we were both around 5'11", 5'10" and it seemed to linger over us. It had to be at least seven feet tall. Off white/grey fur, head of a dog with the body of a stereo typical sasquatch, walked with an unusual gait and was massively built. It also had long arms that might have came down to its knees with bright blue eyes that seemed almost human. 

Other Notes:    The trails we were on have been there for over five years now i think with no other sightings that im aware of but recently there have been reports on the news about sightings in cleveland county and burke county. A man in burke county has made a cast of a foot print he found in back trails that seem similar to the trails we were on that day. 

Other (Informational or Encounter History in the General Area) Notes:    One sighting after ours from another student from our school who claimed to have seen it in a different part of the woods we were at. But he gave a slightly different description and this was maybe a month or two afterwards.

Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments After the encounter a couple of my friends and even some people i don't like have told me that they've seen large piles of dung that could not be produced by a deer or any other creature that roams the trails.

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master

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