From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

Report Received From: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.

Report Posted To GCBRO Web Site OnDecember 22, 2016

DATE:    3/15/2015

2:00 AM

LOCATION:   Cabarrus County, North Carolina  

TERRAIN:    Wooded 

What I am about to describe makes no sense to me as we reside within a local developement in a populated area; however, there are several hundred acres of wooded terrian including a creek and branch located directly behind our house.The terrain is frequented by deer that often leave their tracks in our back yard. At approximately 2:00am my daughter entered our bedroom requesting that my wife and I return with her to her room. She wanted us to indentify what she was hearing. We readily followed with no idea of her concern. Upon arriving in her room while standing quietly to listen. Several gutteral grunts were heard outside which gave all of us room for pause. Having frequently camped and hunted within the woods as a teenager, I am extremely famliar with the variety of sounds produced by local animals;however, this sound left my wife and I both dumb founded.It was the sound of a ape grunting loudly.  It was immediately obvious to all of us that whatever was producing the sound was of great size. I had no expanation for my daughter and still remain confused and astonished by what we heard. My daughter confided that she had heard two seperate animals making similiar sounds,as if they were communicating, prior to reaching out to us. This occurred in late February 2015. My daughter recently reported that she had heard the sounds again but was reluntant to speak of it.Then again in mid to late March while my wife was walking the dog in our yard she heard the sound again in the woods behind the house, although it appeared to be at a greater distance.I must admit I was a sceptic of such reports until now.The sound made that night has remained with me and my family ever since. I have only heard the sound one other time at the Zoo in Jacksonville, Florida which was produced by an ape on exhibit.

Additional Things:
We all agree the sound was not made by a human. The grunting was produced by the chest and not the throat.

Activities of Witness:
My daughter was awake late a night reading in her room having slept earlier that evening. My wife and I had recently retired to the bedroom but were not asleep.

Description of Creature:  I waited to hear the sound again prepared to slip outside, although I would have done so with concern,for a closer examination but there was no additional sounds made.

Other Notes:    Other than I have no rational explanation for what produced the sound. No. I would relish an expalnation.

Other (Informational or Encounter History in the General Area) Notes:


Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments N/A

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master

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