Received From: The GCBRO Online Report
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Posted To GCBRO Web Site On:
February 4, 2012
August 1965
Lincoln County, Montana
National Forest
I and my family was camped on the east shore of Bull Lake at what at that
time was a non-established campground, just a pull off on the side of the
road. This was in the Cabinet Mountains of Northwest Montana.
The area at this time was extremely primitive, no houses for miles and
the two lane road nearby didn't even have a yellow line down the middle.
There was nobody but us for miles. At about dusk, after a day of
fishing, we were settling down around the campfire and enjoy the evening
when what seemed not 20 yards from us behind the nearby bushes and trees,
we hear the most un-Godly roar and the sound of trees snapping and brush
being thrashed around. The roar resembled that of the T-Rex at the
end of the Jurassic Park movie and echoed throughout the whole lake valley.
Our dog made tracks for the trailer with us right behind her. We
are native Montanan's and having spent much time camping and hunting in
the outdoors, we are familiar with the sound of bears and mountain lions.
This sounded like nothing we had ever heard before. We know it wasn't
a bear because it's behavior was not as a bear would act, as it would have
come into our came to scavage the foot we were cooking, and it did not
sound like a bear, or a mountain like whose scream sound like that of a
woman screaming. We remained in the campground spending the night in the
trailer. The next morning, we investigated the area the sound came
from, but found no tracks to determine what the creature was that made
the roar do to the fact that there were hundreds of years worth of pine
needles on the forest floor. We did however see the busted trees
and torn up brush. We never heard of Bigfoot at that time and had
no clue as to what the animal was, until 2 years later when Roger
Patterson came to Billings to give a talk on Bigfoot where he showed his
now famous movie clip. He played what he said was a recording of a Bigfoot
scream and it sounded almost exactly like what we had heard 2 years earlier
at Bull Lake. We are convinced that what we heard that night was
a Bigfoot, and I remember it as clearly as if it was just yesterday.
Today there are homes surrounding the lake where it once was wilderness.
Info: N/A
of Witness: Camping
of Creature: N/A
Notes: N/A
(Informational or Encounter History in the General Area) Notes:
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