From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

Report Received From: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.
Report Posted To GCBRO Web Site On  February 1, 2009

DATE:    July 16, 2007 

TIME:     N/A 

LOCATION:   Liberty County, Montana 

TERRAIN:    Wooded 

OBSERVED:    Some friends and I were walking along the river and we heard a grunting/screaming sound so we looked across the river and by a tree in a clearing we saw an upright hairy creature and he started running toward the tree line.  We never saw it again. 

Activities of Witness:   We were just walking along the river trying to catch crawdads when it happened  

Description of Creature:  At least 7 feet tall, black hair all over, upright walking, grunting/screaming noises

Other Notes:    It seemed to be covered in black hair, it was moving to fast to be a bear.  It had rained just before we saw it. 

Other (Informational or Encounter History in the General Area) Notes:    N/A

Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments I actually seem to remember it looking at us for a few seconds before it took off but all the details i can remember are there.  if i remember anything i will e-mail u with the info. 

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master

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