From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

Report Received From: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.

Report Posted To GCBRO Web Site On:  September 21, 2014

DATE:    07/05/13 

TIME:     Night 

LOCATION:   Tate County, Mississippi 

TERRAIN:    Wooded 

OBSERVED:    We had a storm that knocked-off the electric from 8:30pm until 1:30 am. Since it is a rural area it takes a while for the electricity to come back on. Around 11 pm because of the heat I decided to sleep on the couch in the living room. I had the windows opened liberally in an attempt to catch some type of breeze. I could not rest because it was hot, sticky and just uncomfortable. While I was lying there on the couch I could hear some dogs off in the distant causing a big disturbance. Ok, no big deal. Shortly after that I hear what sound like a different set of dogs barking and causing a ruckus just a bit closer. I wondered what was going on but still ok, no big deal. Then it started with dogs just down the road, even closer. So I looked out the windows but because of the darkness I could not see anything. I went back to the couch and to lie down. As I was attempting to rest I literally saw and felt a shadow cover the window that was blacker than the black inside and outside the house. It startled me so badly that I immediately grabbed for the flashlight convinced that someone was standing outside the window peering in at me. Nothing. Now it could not have been a neighbor since the nearest one is at least an acre away and no one else in the house was up. I verified that.
Now about the tracks, this past Friday evening we had another storm. No loss of electricity this time. The following day I went out messing around the yard and discovered these tracks. At first I thought it was a dog but I notice like an arch, ridge and heel. The tracks seemed to come from nowhere and disappeared. I thought at first the one track could be an anomaly but there are at least 2 others. They were in a grassy part but they still have that deep back indention. After taking the first set of pictures I put the date and time stamp on my camera for documentation. I used the fly swat as a scale because I did not want to wait to search around for a ruler. 

Additional Things:    N/A 

Activities of Witness:   N/A 

Description of Creature:  Tracks found. Photos taken.

Other Notes:    N/A

Other (Informational or Encounter History in the General Area) Notes:    Yes, tracks similar to these were found in another wooded area about 5 miles away. 

Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments N/A

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master

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