From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

Report Received From: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.
Report Posted To GCBRO Web Site On: March 1, 2007

DATE:    Late 1970's 

TIME:     Late Afternoon 

LOCATION:   Newton County, Mississippi 

TERRAIN:   Very heavily wooded with large Pine trees and rolling hills that border a very large swamp.  

OBSERVED:    Here is what had happened to myself and a friend of mine when we were kids. The terrain was very heavily wooded with large Pine trees and rolling hills that border a very large swamp. Lots of beaver ponds, creek bottoms and residences that are no closer than a mile apart. We were walking around with his German Sheppard late one afternoon, just goofing off like kids do. The dog had all of the sudden taken off ahead of us like he sensed
something. We were curious as to what he was after when all of the sudden we heard the dog howl like someone had just hit it with stick or something. This
was one mean dog too, he wasn't scared of anything at all.  The dog came flying past us and was heading home 90 to nothing. Now at 14 or 15 years old like we were, we had to go see what was up. When we reached the top of the ridge, that's when we saw it. In this area, there are lots of wild hogs and we found one that was maybe close to 200 pounds dead at the top of the ridge. Not just was it dead but it looked like it had been mutilated and almost ripped into. It was laying next to a large pine tree when we found it. I didn't notice it at first but when my buddy grabbed my arm and pointed up on the Pine tree at what I thought was a stick, it was a rib Bone. This Bone was sticking in the tree about 7 feet off the ground and blood was on the tree. What it looked like to us was like something very strong had picking up the pig and slammed it so hard into the tree that a bone had broken off into the tree. You talk about scared. WOW was all we could say.

We looked around to see if we could figure out what could have done this and since we were both in the Boy Scouts and both loved the outdoors, we knew most animals that live in the woods. We found something that looked like footprints about 14 to 16 inches long that left very deep impressions. We followed the tracks down the ridge and to the creek at the bottom of the hill. That's where we found the first good footprint. This thing was huge, like nothing we'd ever seen before. There's no way a man could leave a footprint like that. We never smelled anything or saw anything but upon returning to his house, we found his dog in his doghouse, shaking with fear. When we tried to get him to come out, he damn near bit us.  I've never seen that dog afraid of anything and we actually saw that dog attack a wild pig one time, so that tells you he's not scared of much. Never in my mind would I have believed in Bigfoot but after that happened, I know there's something out there.


Activities of Witness:   Walking around with a friend and their dog. 

Description of Creature:  N/A

Other Notes:    N/A

Other (Informational or Encounter History in the General Area) Notes:    N/A

Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments N/A

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master



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