From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

Report Received From: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.
Report Posted To GCBRO Web Site OnOctober 1, 2006

DATE:    September 7, 2006 

TIME:     1:25 pm 

LOCATION:   Harrison County Mississippi 

TERRAIN:    Thick wooded creek bottom 

OBSERVED:    I stopped on the side of the road just before the bridge crossing XXXXXX creek. There is a nice flat area of dirt where I thought I might find some tracks. While walking down to the creek bottom I noticed a Crabapple tree that was full of fruit. I grabbed the tree and began to shake it with some force , ( I wanted to try some of the Crabapples). Just as I rose with one of them , I heard a very distinctive WHACK of wood against what sounded like a
hardwood tree. This noise might have passed unnoticed except that it sounded very deliberate. This worried me a little. i started back to the safety of my truck when I heard it again , but more distinctly. I knew now that it was deliberate for sure. Having already read many of the entries on your site I KNEW what this was! At this point I began to try and mimic the various calls that I had heard on your site. I tried everything from hoots to "Samurai gibberish" . I was answered every 3 or 4 minutes with this moderately aggressive knock on a tree. This went on for about 30 minutes. He responded to my calling , and some rock throwing with a good healthy whack on a tree. there were about 14 whacks over the 30 min period. After a while , he stopped responding , and I thought perhaps he had left. To see if I could get a response, I hurled an old broken electric razor into the woods about half way between him and me. THAT'S IT!!! He must have thought , because at this point he went crazy. Over the next 25 seconds or so he broke in half no less than 4 large trees. I could not believe what I was seeing was being done by an animal! It was just as though a piece of heavy equipment was coming through the woods. He was SPLITTING THESE TREES IN HALF!!! At this point a local man of about 80 years drove up. By this time the show was over. i tried to explain to him what I saw , but I don't think he believed me. I hope to go back with one of the researchers from this site.

Activities of Witness:   N/A 

Description of Creature:  Tried to call him to the road , but he would not show himself.

Other Notes:    N/A

Other (Informational or Encounter History in the General Area) Notes:    Yes. another encounter is here on your site. I think 2003 or 2002. Not sure. Also a very well known trail through Desoto Nat Forest is called "BigFoot Trail".

Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments GCBRO FIeld Researcher Follow Up - I accompanied the witness from this encounter back to the site. No definitive evidence, but everything I saw and everything he said jibed with his story, and it's clear he is sincere and level-headed. The witness has just retired and has lots of free time and seems to be willing to do extensive travelling to investigate sightings, He has also invested in night-vision and thermal imaging equipment. He's done his homework and he's very enthusiastic.

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master



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