From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential
Witness Information Available to GCBRO Researchers Only

REPORT RECEIVED From: The GCBRO Online Reports Submission page.

DATE:  11/18/02

TIME:    8:00 pm

LOCATION:     Missouri, Taney County

TERRAIN:   Wooded

OBSERVED:   It was on the side of the highway. we were looking at deer while driving by in our RV. The next thing we saw was no deer, It looked like a gorilla with a white mane around its neck. I thought it was the ass end of a deer but no! The rear end of this monkey was half as tall as the head and it pivoted on its rear legs, stepping with its front (muscular) legs or arms as it followed the path I was driving.  If this was a deer, It would have been kneeling down with no head. We were driving around 40MPH with a 30' RV. It was hilly and the woods were 25' from the tar. This monkey was 15' from the road. I was going to stop and turn around but the road was 2 lanes wide and another car was behind me. My first reaction was to yell at my wife and step on the brakes. I realized I couldn't turn around and It would likely be gone if I did, so we kept going.

Activities of Witness:   we were looking at deer while driving by in our RV.

Description of Creature:  It looked like a gorilla with a white mane around its neck.

Other Notes:   The hair standing up on the back of my neck. My wife was spooked to say the least.

Additional Notes or Comments:   N/A

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  Rick Tullos

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