Received From: The GCBRO Online Report
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Posted To GCBRO Web Site On:
December 1, 2007
Winter of 2002/2003 through Winter of 2003/2004 into fall 2004
Stone County, Missouri
OBSERVED: Before the winter of 2002/2003 I really hadn't given the subject of bigfoot any thought. I had viewed the Patterson/Gimlin film when it was shown on national television in the 1960's, but hadn't thought of the subject since. Where we lived at the time was on a ridge, with the road running along the top of the ridge in front of the house. The slope of the ground increased the further back from the road you were, and I could only mow about 50 feet past the back of the house with the riding mower without it turning over. About 100 feet of woods separated the mowed yard from a deep hollow behind the house. The entire area was covered with loose rocks, and the ground under the trees had a several inch buildup of leaves. When you reached the edge of the hollow the slope became almost vertical.
That winter we had a day of freezing rain, with intermittent sleet mixed in. By the time it started snowing there was approximately an inch of solid ice on the ground where we were. We had satellite tv at the time, and once it started snowing I had to go outside every so often to sweep off the satellite dish so we could continue to receive the signal (fortunately, the dish was about 6 feet above ground on a steel pipe). The following morning I went out early to sweep the satellite dish. We had about 8 inches of snow on top of the previous days ice, with light snow falling at the time. I cleared the snow off of the dish, then decided to look around for deer tracks. What I found were very large, barefoot human looking tracks, coming from the hollow north of the house at about a 45 degree angle to the line of the yard.
The tracks were larger then my stepsons size 13EE shoes, and pressed almost to the ice with snow just beginning to dust the bottoms. About midway between the woods line and the house, the tracks turned parallel to the house and then went in a straight line for approximately 150 feet, then turned back at an angle and went back to the hollow. The were in a straight line, in other words left and right were aligned with each other, and 4 to 5 feet apart. I did not make any measurements or take any pictures as at that time they were just a curiosity to me.
I told my wife about the tracks when I went in and we tried to figure out what they might have been. She said later that at the end of the conversation I jokingly said "Maybe it's bigfoot" and laughed about it. It remained just a curiosity for some time.
At the time we had two dogs who would spend every minute outside, by choice, except when it was freezing. and later had another young dog given to us that was about the size of a small pony. We were used to seeing groups of deer on a regular basis, wild turkeys fairly frequently and fox squirrels were a nuisance at the bird feeders. North of the house the hollow turned towards the road and became shallow and narrow, much like a funnel. Deer crossed there frequently. The spring following my finding of the tracks is when strange things began occurring.
Dogs that had to be forced to come inside suddenly did not want to go out, and in fact would be underfoot while at the computer, so close that I had to be careful not to trip over them if I got up. When they absolutely had to go out, they would just clear the front porch, take care of business, and want back in. This occurred on an irregular schedule, lasting from two to four weeks or so each time with about the same period of them acting normally before the next occurrence. During these periods of time the deer we were accustomed to seeing would disappear, no fox squirrels would be seen and the turkeys disappeared totally. This continued throughout the summer and fall.
We also began hearing unusual noises at night, even when the house was closed up with the air conditioning running. One sound could have been mistaken for a peacock, but I have heard peacocks enough to know that wasn't what it was.
The one sound that was really out of place sounded almost exactly like the bird used for the "jungle" sound effects in the Tarzan movies, I believe the Kookaburra bird. The first time we heard that I was in the shower, water running, the air conditioner running with all windows closed. The sound was heard over the sound of the shower, very loud and clear. My wife, who was on the computer, came in and asked if I had heard it.
times when I was outside at night I would hear whippoorwills. Sometimes
one, sometimes two sounding as if they were answering each other.
have gone to sleep many nights in the past listening to whippoorwills.
These sounded completely normal, except for the end of their calls. Something
was just not right about the ending, as if the calls were breaking up or
stuttering at the end.
The following winter we had about 3 inches of snow on the ground and I once again went out early to look for tracks. I found nothing behind the house, but when I checked in front I found the tracks of several deer which had crossed the road into our front yard, walked past the front of the house and turned towards the woods in back. I was following these tracks when I happened to notice something totally different just off to the side of the deer tracks, going where they went. There were two sets of tracks which appeared to be barefoot human tracks, but the larger was about half the size of the large track seen the previous winter. The smaller was about half the size of the larger of the two. The deer passed within twenty feet of the house, and the human looking tracks were just to the left of the deer tracks on the side nearer the road. That entire area was covered with sharp rocks, so sharp that no human could walk on them barefoot. I had some try and fail. That spring and summer the same odd happenings occurred as the year before, but ended by fall.
That fall after the leaves were off the trees I had a trash pile of leaves and limbs on a bare, rocky spot about 50 feet north of the house that I was burning. I had been at it a while when I happened to look across the hollow, the other side of which was only visible when the trees were totally nude of leaves. I saw on the far side of the hollow, about halfway up the side, what appeared to be a burned stump of a very large tree which was broken off at an estimated height of approximately 8 feet above the ground. Size was estimated by other trees and such that I was familiar with from a bit of exploring the area. I was thoroughly familiar with the view of that side of the hollow, and the "stump" had never been there in the past, plus there were no other burned trees or signs of past woods fire. My wife was in the kitchen on that end of the house with the windows open, and while keeping my eyes on the object I asked her twice to bring my binoculars.
could not make out what I was saying and came out the front door to the
corner of the house to ask what I wanted. I turned my head towards her
just long enough to ask her to please bring my binoculars. When I looked
back the "stump" was gone.
human could have gone far enough to be out of sight on that terrain in
that amount of time. I do not know if it was a bigfoot, but I had a strong
feeling that it was.
I have
seen bears enough to know when I see one, and it was no bear. I made plans
to put out at least two game cameras that winter, one in front and one
in back, possibly more. Unfortunately, we needed a larger house due to
the number of people living with us at the time and we moved before winter
set in.
of Witness: N/A
of Creature: N/A
Notes: N/A
(Informational or Encounter History in the General Area) Notes:
Notes and or Follow up Comments: