From the Files of

Reported by Confidential

RECEIVED FROM:  G.C.B.R.O. Online Submission Form

DATE:     June 13, 1999

TIME:      Around 2:00 A.M.

LOCATION:  Collins, Missouri, St. Clair County

TERRAIN:    Wooded with a pond and a hill, with my house on it

OBSERVED:    I was out fishing in a pond close to my house,
It was dark and I had made a campfire.  After a while I packed up my pole
and the fish I caught, I got out my flash light and began walking up the hill towards
my house.  My dog Daisy was with me about halfway up the hill.
Daisy went nuts barking... A large hairy thing came out of the woods...
It was about 9 foot tall, At first I thought it was a man, then I pointed my flash light
at it... It had reddish hair and arms almost as wide as a oak. My dog chased it off into the woods...
Scared i ran up to my house and locked the door...
The next morning I found Daisy in a ditch with a large wound...
I took her to the vet.  She came out fine just a scar on the side of her stomach...

ACTIVITIES OF WITNESSES:  I was walking home from fishing...

DESCRIPTION OF CREATURE:  It was about 9 foot tall with reddish hair and it had brown eyes...
It's face look almost human..

OTHER NOTES:  When I pointed my flashlight at it,  it made a low growl...

OTHER SIGHTINGS IN THIS AREA:  Not that i know of...

Report submitted by Mary Green

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