From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential
Witness Information Available to GCBRO Researchers Only

REPORT RECEIVED From: The GCBRO Online Reports Submission page.

DATE:    08/00/82

TIME:    mid morning  

LOCATION:    Audrain County, Missouri

TERRAIN:   Wooded

OBSERVED:    My cousin and I were going to retrieve a Catfish from a creek bed
that was driing up. It was a very dry summer. Upon arriving to the puddle we
noticed that the water was muddied up and that the fish was gone. We also
noticed that there were two large foot prints (they were very fresh) in the
sandy bottom of the creek bed near where the fish was located. Upon seeing
these foot prints and not finding the fish, my cousin and I fled to the
house with the feeling that we were being watched while at the creek and on
the way back to the house. Later that morning I went out to the swing in the
back yard and noticed some movement near an area of thick tree saplings. As
I started to watch this area i saw something part the trees and start
watching me as I was on the swing. I kinda froze while there because we made
very distinctive eye contact that lasted for about a min. then it quickly
ran away.

Activities of Witness:    We had caught the fish the day before, from another pond and put it in
there to keep it alive untill we could clean the fish. We went to the puddle that morning to clean the fish and take it home.

Description of Creature:    N/A

Other Notes:    I have heard of other sightings during that same summer in the youngs creek area. I would like information on the other sitings if any one knows of them.  

Additional Notes or Comments:   I do know that this was a very dry year and could have resulted in
increased migration.

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by: Rick Tullos

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