From the
Files of the
Gulf Coast
BigFoot Research Organization
Received From: Confidential
GCBRO Researcher Field Notes and Investigations.
3:00 am
St. Mary Parish, Louisiana
Several high school kids were camping in an area around a newly developed
subdivision. The area they were in, was on high ground surrounded
by swamp with roughly 2 to 3 feet of water. Long after most were
asleep next to a large bon fire, three of the boys witnessed a person walking
in the swamp, some 50 yards from them. This person was illuminated
by the bright moon light and seemed to not be worried or concerned about
them watching him. As they yelled at the person, they shined their
flashlights on him and observed a large set of red glowing eyes.
They now believed that this was not a person, as it stopped and stared
at them not moving. Then as the others were awakened by the noise
they all shined their lights on the creature, which was described as brown
hair, covering the body. It then
turned slowly and continued its
walk away from them, not looking back.
Searching the area the next day,
they estimated that it was 6 to 7 ft tall and was walking in 3 feet of
swamp water.
Activities of Witness:
Camping and telling stories, others woke after hearing the shouting and
observed the creature walking away from them.
Description of Creature:
Large covered with brown hair. 6 to 7 feet tall walking in
3 feet of swamp water
Other Notes:
Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments: Upon contact the witness had no additional information to add to this report.
Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by: GCBRO Web master
Gulf Coast Bigfoot Research Organization Home Page
All information (reports, sketches, and pictures) contained within are
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Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization (G.C.B.R.O.)
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