From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

Report Received From: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.
Report Posted To GCBRO Web Site On  August 1, 2007

DATE:    May 7, 2007 

TIME:     Daytime 

LOCATION:   Barren County, Kentucky 

TERRAIN:    Woodland

OBSERVED:    I had went up to where i deer hunt and was checking the area to see of any deer movement, like trails or rubs. And i noticed that several trees wear moved into like huts or shelters and an awful smell.  Then i heard something walking so i laid down and crawled under some brush.  The smell got worse, and i seen this tall animal almost like a gorilla.   I laid as still as possible.  I had brought my gun just in case i ran into a bobcat, but i was so scared i didn't move.  After around 10 min. it walked off.  And i waited around 3 min. and went to get up and this scream that sounded like the gates of hell had opened.  I took the safety of my gun and slowly walked to my car and left as fast as i could

Activities of Witness:   Looking for deer sign 

Description of Creature:  The animal was around 8 foot tall.  The finger tips went to around the knees.  It was kinda slumped over and when it walked away the arms swung forwards and backwards.  The hair color was about the color of tree bark

Other Notes:    N/A

Other (Informational or Encounter History in the General Area) Notes:    When i would go deer hunting i would hear strange sounds and gross smells.

Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments N/A

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master

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