From the Files of

Reported by Mary A. Green



This photo is in the front part of my woods on top of the hill.  In the background, a rock pile leads into my neighbor's yard.  There used to be a huge tree here then finally a ollowed out tree stump.  Just to the right of the rock pile in the trees is an old and unused lane.  This now serves as a game trail.  Just below the grassy area is the county road.  The subject of this photo is the tree snapped nearly in two.  In and of itself it isn't any big deal, until one discovers it's at the top of a hill along a game trail and stands adjacent to the larger tree in the next photograph.

©Copyrighted by eyewitness and GCBRO
All rights reserved.
May 2002

This photo is of a larger tree just above the county road and next to the game trail.   If you'll look
closely at the far right side of the tree, all the way up to the top, you'll notice a smaller tree still
growing all the way down into the trunk of the parent tree.  If I remember correctly, this is called
a sucker.  Please note that on some areas of this limb, the bark is shredded and still hanging on
the limb.  No big deal, once again, until you take into account shredded tree bark, bent or twisted
sapling, and the game trail between the two.  Something has gone on here and I'm not sure
what.  This is, however, an old break and an old shredding.

©Copyrighted by eyewitness and GCBRO
All rights reserved.
May 2002

This photo is of tree bows.  The tree stump is dead but it holds
water nicely.  Just on the right side of the big tree is my driveway.

©Copyrighted by eyewitness and GCBRO
All rights reserved.
May 2002

This photo is of a possible territorial marker or small pyramid.
It is located just below the hill to the north of the game trail.

©Copyrighted by eyewitness and GCBRO
All rights reserved.
May 2002

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