From the Files of

Reported by Mary A. Green

There are photographs included with this report
RECEIVED FROM:  GCBRO Investigator Mary Green's Research Notes

DATE:    May 2002

TIME:     Various

LOCATION:  Central Indiana

TERRAIN:     Wooded

OBSERVED: (Suspicioned Bigfoot activity due to the markers in the woods on eyewitnesses property.  Also, nearby bigfoot sightings.)

There is still some kind of activity I can't explain going on in the
front part of my woods.  My favorite log I set on is about a foot and a half
in diameter and maybe thirty feet long with a nice fork in the middle.

On the log where I set it's about a foot and a half in diameter and about
thirty feet long with a fork about twenty feet down the log; Tuesday evening
I sat on the log and ate a hot fudge sundae; yumm oooo; I left the cup and
plastic spoon in the brush pile; I went back the next day and of course the
cup was chewed to shreds; the spoon was still there in one piece; but there
were two small sticks placed two places over from where I sat on the log; it
almost looked like something or somebody didin't want to sit in my spot on
the log and had a spot of their own; the young lady who wrote the recent poem
about Bigfoot that mentions forked sticks caught my attention; one of these
sticks placed near where I sat on the log was forked; so was one of the
sticks in the teepee located on the north side of the creek by the woods

I have a Honeysuckle bush in my driveway; something has been taking just the
blossoms and leaving them toward the end of the driveway; the wind doesn't
blow that way; there's never any leaves of stems; I can't explain it; it
could be birds but they sure are busy with all the blossoms that are laying
in the drive and they're a good thirty feet from the bush; it's really weird;
the photos of the two round circles that are blurry, I wanted to monitor; if
I found any more of them, I wanted to do closeups; another set turned up
yesterday near the brush pile and another set was in my front yard about five
feet from the trash cans and that's about fifteen feet from my front door!





OTHER SIGHTINGS IN THIS AREA:   Bigfoot sightings have been as close as 9 miles away from eyewitnesses property.


Report submitted by Mary A. Green

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