From the Files of

Reported by Confidential

RECEIVED FROM:    G.C.B.R.O. Online Submission Form

DATE:    July 1958

TIME:       9-12 a.m.

LOCATION:      Southern Illinois

TERRAIN:          Open farm land

OBSERVED:  I was playing in the living room alone and heard a strange sound in the next room, like cardboard boxes tumbling. I got up and slowly looked around the corner of the door and there he was. The strangest creature I ever saw, (standing in my house), up against the wall. I'm looking around, a mere 6 ft. from me. He (no breasts) He almost seemed to be hiding as he had his nose a few inches from the wall. He was totally covered with white hair. His form was that of a man but not his appearance. His eyes weren't in front like ours but on the side of his head like a rabbit. His nose was human but covered with very short, very thick white hair. The funny thing was he just stood there and let me look at him and I was too scared, too courious to move myself. I looked him up and down, all over taking in everything. His eyes were red with a black dot in the center sourounded by white.

He had 5 fingers and toes. His fingernails were dark red, long and pointed, almost triangular in shape. His toenails were also red and pointed,but his big toe was odd, hard to describe, the toenail somehow curved over it. I didn't see ears or a mouth, but Im sure they were there. His chest was odd, not flat or muscular, but more rounded-rather like a coke can and tappered toward his neck and loins. His hair was almost a dirty white and matted, kind of shaggy around his feet. There was no odor. I guess I looked at him for about 5 min. The hair length was maybe 5 or 6 in. long. His whole face was covered like the hair on a rabbit's face. The only place that didn't have hair was his eyes, fingernails and toenails that I could see. Finally my gaze went to the one eye looking at me and I thought who-what are you?  The look he gave me made my blood freeze. I ran to where my mom was. I couldn't talk. I was white as a sheet. I drug her to where I was he was gone. He never moved while I was there. I swear this is all true, I'll never forget, never.

ACTIVITIES OF WITNESSES:  Playing in the living room, looking outside on a sunny morning.

DESCRIPTION OF CREATURE:   The creature stood about 6 ft tall and weighed around 200 lbs.

OTHER NOTES:   For years after this, I had the same nightmare. Sitting in a white cloud with eyes floating everywhere, the ones far away would slowly come to a few inches from my face, look and drift back, over and over. The bed was totally wet when I awoke


Report Submitted by Mary Green

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