From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

Report Received From: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.
Report Posted To GCBRO Web Site On  June 1, 2009

DATE:    May 10, 1993 

TIME:     1230-1700 hrs 

LOCATION:   Fremont County, Idaho 

TERRAIN:    National Forest

OBSERVED:    It was my first trip into the mountains after the winter. I was stuck in snow that had not melted in the shadows. This area touches Yellowstone NP so it is remote. During the first night I thought I could 'feel' something watching me, I wrote it off as the usual 'night-time out in the woods' jitters. I had just got out of the Army, had a 9mm pistol, so was not too worried. Around noon on day 2 I was napping in the truck when I awoke. Standing 25-30 yards away on the left side of the road was an animal that in an instant I knew was not a bear or anything I had ever seen. I did not believe in Bigfoot, I had grown up in the mountains around Vancouver, WA and Star Valley, WY and never seen anything. I had just got out of the Army, I am a serious person. But there it was. I have only told my wife about this.
It stared at me for what seemed like 10 minutes but was probably 90 seconds. I slowly retrieved my pistol and felt much more confident. It would move a little closer and then just watch. It would slowly blink and was always looking around, not as if nervous but very aware of its' surroundings. It appeared curious of my Datsun stuck in the snow. It was not aggressive, just curious. In 2 or 3 minutes it moved to about 8 yards. It's eyes appeared very curious and intelligent. I have sat and stared at gorillas at the zoo and seen the same expressions of intelligence.
This animal was taller and bigger than a man, I would guess 7 foot or so and medium bodied. As I moved more in the truck it appeared not to like that and moved off. After it left I got out of the truck and observed the prints it left. I have 35 mm pictures of the footprints, they measure 16.8 inches from the rear heal to the far inside toe.
I urinated on a tree in front of the truck and returned to the truck. At @ 1440 hours it came back, I had the window down and I was amazed at how quiet it moved up the steep hill. It went right for the tree I urinated on and sniffed at it. It covered the spot with its' own urine. That was the first time I smelled the animal and at that range it was worse, thicker and more pungent than a skunk. It acted a little more 'jumpy' and I had my pistol on it most of the time, it did not appear that it knew what a gun was but by my movement it was agitated.
I saw it at further ranges twice more that afternoon. I have never seen it since. I was a county Sheriff's Deputy in the area from the 1990's to the mid 2000's and heard only rumors about it.
I think those that have seen it feel as if I do. I do not want anyone to think I am a nut. I have seen many photos and they are obvious fakes. The old film from CA is the only thing that I have ever seen that I thought was real. I know what I saw, there is no way someone faked me. I want no one to make my name public because so many are fake accounts.   

Activities of Witness:   Sitting in my truck for 18 to 24 hours previous, I now have a small camera in my truck in case I see something again. 

Description of Creature:  Approximately 7 to 8 feet tall, medium bodied, color of hair varied from very dark brown to reddish brown (in the sun light) most of the face was black skinned and hairless. Not as dish shaped like an ape but a strong resemblance. Intelligent large eyes, dark finger nails, sex organs not visible but there was something there. Moved in a conservative manner but I remember thinking that it could have gotten real ugly real fast if it had felt a threat.  

Other Notes:    N/A

Other (Informational or Encounter History in the General Area) Notes:    There have been rumors, but nothing to my knowledge 

Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments N/A

Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by:  GCBRO Web master

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