From the
Files of the
Gulf Coast
BigFoot Research Organization
Received From: The GCBRO Online
Report Submission Form.
November 1999
Mid-day, around 2-3 PM.
Talbot County, Georgia
Small swampy lowland, surrounded by hardwoods.
A few years back, my my friend XXXXX and I were hiking through the woods
doing a little squirrel spotting, but were unarmed, and had nothing but
a pair of binoculars and some camo. While walking along a hill, bordered
on our left by a creek that leads to a swamp, XXXXX spotted a large amount
of movement roughly 75 yards away walking up the hill across from us. He
asked for the binoculars and swears, even to this day, that he saw a bigfoot
type creature walking through thick woods. We escaped from the woods, and
later returned to find broken tree limbs, but no apparent tracks.
Activities of Witness:
Doing light hiking through the woods a good distance away from where the
creature was spotted.
Description of Creature: I did not see it, I couldn't point out the area he was talking about, but XXXXX was right beside me. XXXXX caught about 3 glimpses of the creature moving at a steady gait through a thick area away from the swamp. It did not make much noise, and apparently wasn't aware of our presence.
Creature fits the description of
sasquatch or bigfoot, only somewhat smaller. XXXXX narrated to me that
it appeared as a tall human like creature maybe 6 1/2 foot, walking with
long strides at a steady gait. The creature was thick, thick neck, arms,
body, etc. Appeared to be all brown. Creature looked straight forward during
it's walk as if not worried about being spotted, yet moved quietly. I asked
XXXXX if it could have been a lost hunter wearing brown, winter coveralls,
but he said otherwise that that's not what it was.
Other Notes: There have been other strange occurrences since, but none as dramatic on our land. One other sighting has been reported across the road.
The book Weird Georgia states that
a Vietnam vet, working for the Corps of Engineers saw a bigfoot in a bend
of the Flint River, XX miles from where we live. The book also has pictures
of eight foot high bark scrapings found on trees in this area, as well
as bent trees. At one time my father and I came across trees that seemed
to have fallen perfectly into the shape of a teepee, but nothing ever came
of this. The spot where we saw this creature is near a creek that eventually
runs into a part of the Flint River that's closest to us, which is XX miles
away in a straight line.
Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments: Upon contact the witness had no additional information to add to this report.
Report Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by: GCBRO Web master
Gulf Coast Bigfoot Research Organization Home Page
All information (reports, sketches, and pictures) contained within are
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Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization (G.C.B.R.O.)
and or the original submitting party.
No information may be reproduced, in part or in whole, without the express
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