From the Files of the
Gulf Coast BigFoot Research Organization

Reported by: Confidential

Report Received From: The GCBRO Online Report Submission Form.
Report Posted To GCBRO Web Site On  April 1, 2009

DATE:    1974-75 

TIME:     1 or 2 in the am  

LOCATION:   Volusia County, Florida 

TERRAIN:    Cow pasture, butted up next to swamp 

OBSERVED:    I saw what I thought was a friend of my brothers (who is pretty tall) walking close to the campfire past me and into the swamp on the same parcel of property. It was at least 30 or so feet from myself and the campfire. I never actually heard him go in.

Additional things: I thought it was rather unusual for him to ignore me, when I was staring at him and calling his name. I had wondered also where he had left his girlfriend. He never looked at me, he just kept walking toward the grade and down to the swamp. He disappeared from sight just before reaching the swamp I guess. I do not recall him entering the swamp. I did not smell anything unusual either, but then again I was camping in a cow pasture. The swamp was at least 150 ft from my location. 

Activities of Witness:   My brother and his girlfriend at the time, his friend and his girlfriend left me at the campsite by myself. They were 6 or so years older than myself and brought me along, and both couples went their own directions to be alone. I was in an open field and did not feel to uneasy, just a little anxious for them to return. I was alone for what seemed a couple of hours hanging out by the campfire. I was mainly staring at the fire most of the evening and keeping warm before this occurrence transpired.  

Description of Creature:  I remember it being taller than the person I had went camping with. My brothers friend was at least 6 ft 3 in. I did not think too much about until I read your reported sightings on your WS. It was at least 7 ft tall and black. I could not really make it out. I did not notice any distinction of clothing or color. I figured the campfire kind of blinded me. I thought my brothers friend just seemed taller than usual because it was quite dark and I was getting tired. I could only make out the silhouette. I asked XXXX when he and his girlfriend returned why he did not acknowledge me when he walked past me, and he replied, it wasn't me. He asked me where it went and I told him the general direction, and he seemed a little nervous, but did not make too much of the situation. The more I thought about it the more it freaked me out. Whatever it was, it walked right towards an alligator and moccasin infested swamp. So it really did not make sense for XXXXX to walk down there any way. I did not feel threatened I suppose, because I thought it was my brothers friend. Whatever it was, meant me no harm. I'm sure if it wanted to it could have taken me easily. Everyone just went to sleep except myself. I was wondering what it could have been? 

Other Notes:    I really enjoy hiking deep in the woods. I have never seen another BF. But what struck me as really odd in some of the stories or blogs are the human like footprints. I never put 1 and 1 together when seeing human footprints in the woods. I always thought it was just some unfortunate or ignorant person roaming around barefoot. I always like looking for the largest black bear or cat tracks. There have been on several occasions amongst the bear tracks, what appeared to me, were just large human footprints. And a couple of times they were not much larger than my own. And now that I have read your blogs, it makes perfectly good sense as to what they are. This area is a large game reserve with panther, bear, deer, bobcat, etc. Plenty of land for a Bigfoot to roam and hide. The woods are very dense with a very large river flowing the entire extent of the rear boundary. I have seen scat that I thought was human w/o tp. Bear (omnivore) scat is very distinguishable because of the seeds , and so is a large cats (carnivore), because of the hair mixed with it. I have on several occasions heard large limbs break also. I just equated it with an animal in the distance. I will be more aware from now on. 

Other (Informational or Encounter History in the General Area) Notes:    A friend of mine was riding her horse near the same location about 5 years (1978-79) later, on a trail and stated that her horse became very nervous and started to rear up and as soon as it did, it almost threw her from its back. Her head was jerked to the side and she said it was on the trail with her and the horse, right behind the both of them. When she told me the story, she was practically in tears. I could tell she was not lying from the fear in her voice. She held on to the horses mane, because she had lost control of the bridle. She felt that if she had fallen off, the thing on the trail (which she described as huge, hairy and smelly) would have gotten her. She did say she was never going on that trail again or near those woods with her horse. There are a lot of woods and swamp in this general vicinity. People in the area have talked about Bigfoot as long as I can remember. There was a report that a horses head had been ripped from its body, and they never recovered it. People use to talk about cattle that would end up missing or killed mysteriously in the same area. The stories about a Bigfoot or a Swamp Ape spanned from the early 70's and ended in the 80's. 

Additional Notes and or Follow up Comments N/A

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