From the Files of

  Reported  by Confidential

RECEIVED FROM: G.C.B.R.O. Web Site Submission Form

DATE:        01/15/02

TIME:         Night

LOCATION:    Mary Esther, Florida, U.S.A, Okaloosa

TERRAIN:        Wooded

OBSERVED:    We heard unexplainable sounds from the backyard and went outside to see where the noise was coming from. We saw something slip into the woods from the backyard. We had deer meat outside sitting on the picnic table. We found foot prints leading from it toward the woods. The footprints were about 21 inches each.  And we found a handprint in the dirt three times as big as mine. Our neighborhood is a restricted area, nobody is allowed to go into the woods because it is a reservation for Hurlburt Base.

Every once and a while we hear rustling in the woods only at night. They don't sound like little animals like raccoons or something, but more like something very large. We also hear low sounding growling, and grunting.  And whenever somebody goes back there to inspect, they find long, brown hair fragments that relate to ones of gorillas'.

ACTIVITIES OF WITNESS(ES):  We were playing cards in the house and heard the growling noise and went out to inspect.

DESCRIPTION OF CREATURE:  All we saw was a hairy, dark brown figure going into the woods. All we saw was it's back, it didn't look back at us when it noticed us watching. , The growling as rustling of trees.




Report  Posted to the G.C.B.R.O. web site by Mary Green

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